Am going to miss the internet when that times comes and the PowersThatBe decides they better stop the transmission of news and information between the global populous because we're sharing way too much incriminating information about them! Each day I seem to find more and more websites I can no longer access. Living in the Land of the Free is but now only a delusion built by the bricks of government-media propaganda. Will need to research once again the latest statistics of the population in jails and prisons owned by private multinational corporations ... making the big bucks off of each prisoner ... another government corruption story.

Our Planet's Magnetosphere Update - November 18, 2009 6:50 PM CDT
The protest follows South Korea's decision to re-deploy its troops to Afghanistan.
The top regional US ally pulled its troops out of Afghanistan in 2007 following a hostage crisis in which two South Koreans were killed.
The demonstrators chanted slogans and held up signs reading "Yes you can end the Afghan war", directed at the US president who is to visit Seoul on Wednesday as part of his Asian trip.
The protestors also said they were disappointed with Obama for not ending the Afghan war.
They added that South Korea should not "fall into the swamp of the US anti-terror war" in the war-torn nation.
No clashes with the police occurred during the demonstrations.
The protests come as Obama moves closer toward a decision to send up to 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan to reinforce the 68,000-strong force that will already be fighting there by the end of the year.
Obama Arrives In South Korea For Two-Day Visit

Meteor lit up the night skies over most of Utah - seen as far north as Wyoming, and as far west as California and south into Colorado

far west as California and south into Colorado
SALT LAKE CITY -- A fast moving meteor lit up the night skies over most of Utah just after midnight Wednesday, November 18th.
Click to view video on news website:
KSL News received hundreds of calls from people who saw it, from southern Utah to southern Idaho. There also are reports of people seeing it from Las Vegas and areas of California. Witnesses reported a flash so bright it lit up the entire sky for a couple of seconds.
Don White was in Wyoming and told KSL Newsradio for a moment he suspected a nuclear strike. "With something that brilliant and that fast, it was like, whoa, did we just get hit or something? It would have been some bigger noise I guess if a nuclear device had gone off," he said.
"It lasted for about eight to 10 seconds," he continued. "I think for about the last three to four seconds of that it was as light as day. I could see the bushes off to the right of the road. It was completely lit up. You'll see the meteors flying across the sky and everything, but I've never seen one come that close."
Some people also reported a slight rumbling sound a few seconds after the flash. One caller told us it knocked a few items off her shelf.
One resident who lives in Cedar City said she could see the mountains and her grass for a few seconds.
Another resident in Bountiful said the sky was so bright, it shut off the light-sensored street lights for a few seconds.
Patrick Wiggins, who is a NASA ambassador living in Tooele County, said the bright light is most likely a bolide meteor.
The Earth is passing the Leonids right now, which is one of the most spectacular meteor shower shows that can be seen every year.
Wiggins said a bolide meteor creates an intense flash that is rare but happens from time to time.
According to Wiggins, it's also possible the meteor may have broken apart in our atmosphere causing some rocks to land, though the size of the rocks wouldn't be very large.
However, with reports from people who've seen the flash coming in from such a large area, Wiggins said the chances of somebody actually finding a meteor rock are small.
RELATED: | EXPLODING METEOR: A remarkable midnight fireball that "turned night into day" over parts of the western United States last night was not a Leonid. Infrasound measurements suggest a sporadic asteroid not associated with the Leonid debris stream. The space rock exploded in the atmosphere with an energy equivalent to 0.5 - 1 kilotons of TNT. Approximately 6 hours later, observers in Utah and Colorado witnessed a twistingiridescent-blue cloud in the dawn sky. Debris from the fireball should have disipated by that time, but the cloud remains unexplained; we cannot yet rule out a connection to the fireball event. Stay tuned for further analysis. videos: #1, #2.
Idaho's NewsChannel 7 | Meteor lit up night sky, caught on video
Click to view video on news website:
Posted on November 18, 2009 at 6:26 AMBOISE - A number of people called our newsroom, e-mailed us, and were talking about it on Twitter.
A meteor streaked across the night sky-- lighting it up as if it were daytime.
The phone was ringing off the hook at Ada County dispatch and the Boise Airport as well.
Some viewers described it as the biggest thing they have ever seen-- with a long flame trailing behind it.
"At first I saw a little bright light, it was yellow, after about five to ten seconds it turned into a giant green fireball that was probably about the size of the moon. It was pretty amazing." said James Callahan. "It did scare me, luckily there were no other cars around me, because it did stop me dead on the road right there."
One person saw it from the WalMart parking lot on Glenwood and said it lit up the entire sky.
KSL, our NBC affiliate in Salt Lake City, reported the ground shaking as it zipped through, one viewer claiming it even shook his outside door open.
Ward Riley was driving when a friend called him to ask if he had seen the meteor.
"When the meteor went over, some lights in Twin Falls went out. A friend of mine was driving through Mountain Home at the same time and he said he noticed some of the light-censored street lights went out." said Ward Riley. "It was so bright, at first I thought maybe the wind hit a transformer and exploded it but it was a lot brighter than that. It was like the morning sun had just come up over the hill."
Riley said both of them noticed several light-censored street lamps turn off in Twin Falls and Mountain Home because the flash was so bright.
An expert says the earth is passing the Leonid Meteor Shower, which is one of the most spectacular meteor showers that can be seen each year.
The meteor was seen as far north as Wyoming, and as far west as California and south into Colorado.
February of 2008 was the last time there was a meteor sighting in the Treasure Valley.
National Severe Weather Map

Pennsylvania Should Ban Municipal Derivatives, Official Says
18 (Bloomberg) -- Pennsylvania should ban local governments from entering into derivative contracts tied to bond issues, a practice amounting to “gambling” ...
Financial trade tax faces uphill battle in U.S.
Proposals in the US House of Representatives that would put a 0.25 percent tax on over-the-counter derivatives transactions and stock trades are among ideas ...
Senate to Move Forward on Lael Brainard's Nomination to be Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs Despite Tax Problems
US Treasury Secretary Geithner Accused of Using AIG Bailout to Enrich Goldman, Merrill and Foreign Banks
This finding was part of an investigation of the AIG bailout by the inspector general of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, who said Geithner's office ...
Clinton visits Afghanistan with message on corruption
(Yesterday 11-17-09) Hillary Clinton Urges Filipinos to Tweet on Corrupt Officials
Xinhua | Senior military officials of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said they would enhance relations between the two
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | November 18, 2009
The Power Hour: Show-Schedule (7-10am CST) ···Listen Live
Pneumonic plague United States Patent #7572449-anything to do with the Ukraine? -- "What is more interesting is why was this patent filed in August this year. Maybe its just coincidence but we felt like putting out there so people can decide for themselves."
Back in September Chicago scientist researching plague dies from it -- A University of Chicago researcher died ept. 13, at the Medical Center's Bernard Mitchell Hospital from an infection which may be attributable to a weakened laboratory strain of Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes the plague.
Increase in GM crops, resistant weeds lead to dramatic rise in pesticide use -- The widespread use of genetically modified (GM) crops engineered to tolerate herbicides has led to a sharp increase in the use of agricultural chemicals in the U.S. This practice is creating herbicide-resistant "super weeds" and an increase in chemical residues in U.S. food.
Medicinal properties of sage revealed -- Of all the culinary herbs, sage is perhaps the one with the broadest range of medicinal uses. As you'll see in the collection of quotes about sage shown below, sage is anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial; plus it helps cleanse your blood and may even prevent Alzheimer's disease.
New Zealand tops Denmark as world's least corrupt nation -- New Zealand was on Wednesday named the world's least corrupt nation out of a list of 180 countries, unseating Denmark after a year in which the global recession and ongoing conflicts proved challenging.
US Army suicides set to hit new high in 2009 -- Suicides in the U.S. Army will hit a new high this year, a top general said on Tuesday in a disclosure likely to increase concerns about stress on U.S. forces ahead of an expected buildup in Afghanistan.
Farmers not invited to world food summit? -- World farmers are not part of the official delegations at the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) food summit on food security that opened here Monday. But they came anyhow to express their views, since, they say, it is their communities that are most impacted by the food crisis.
Indian Point nuclear plant puts public health at grave risk -- Indian Point is the site of two large nuclear reactors operating since the mid-1970s. Because Indian Point's federal licenses will expire in several years, Entergy Nuclear of Jackson, Miss., which owns the reactors, has asked federal regulators to extend them for another 20 years.
Senators blame HHS for mishandling H1N1 vaccine effort -- Senators on the Homeland Security Committee scolded Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Tuesday for overly optimistic estimates of pandemic H1N1 flu vaccine supplies. (and these people want to manage our health care?)
China questions costs of US health care reform -- Guess what? It turns out the Chinese are kind of curious about how President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform plans would impact America’s huge fiscal deficit. Government officials are using his Asian trip as an opportunity to ask the White House questions. Read detailed questions...
US Army wants armed spy bots in intercontinental ballistic missiles -- The problem: The US Army—purveyors of all things camouflage green— thinks that spy planes are too slow to recognize remote battlegrounds. The solution: Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles loaded with weaponized spy bots. The side-effect: World War III.
Nanoparticles used in common household items cause genetic damage in mice -- Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles, found in everything from cosmetics to sunscreen to paint to vitamins, caused systemic genetic damage in mice, according to a comprehensive study conducted by researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
India plans fingerprint IDs for billion citizens -- India's 1.16 billion people are each to receive their own identity number under a monumental plan designed to cut corruption and improve distribution of state benefits.
VIDEO: Woman pastor- reporter dragged away by Obama security -- A woman whom is a reporter for the Georgia Insider and a Pastor of a Church in Ga. was manhandled by Obama security thugs!
Federal Court bans South Carolina Christian license plate -- A US District Court judge ruled last week that the state of South Carolina violated the federal Constitution when it allowed drivers to choose a Christian-themed license plate last year. Judge Cameron McGowan Currie issued a scathing decision prohibiting the state from going forward with the plate's production. South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer was the driving force behind the legislation that created the plate. He noted that even atheists can select a "Secular Humanists of the Low Country" plate which replaces the phrase "In God We Trust" with "In Reason We Trust"
How to avoid cell phone radiation -- Concerned about cell phone radiation? Here's a list of the phones with the most powerful speakerphones and Bluetooth capability for hands- free use.
Cocaine, spices, hormones found in drinking water -- This story is part of a special series that explores the global water crisis.
Arnold Schwarzenegger visits Iraq-and aims to transfer military tactics to California -- Schwarzenegger said he wants to study counter-insurgency strategies developed by the US military when Iraq was on the brink of civil war, and bring them back to the mean streets of California, where criminal gangs rule entire neighborhoods, especially in large cities.
US military employs counterinsurgency strategy in California city -- The U.S. military is aiding police in a California conduct “counterinsurgency” operations as part of a crack down on gang related violence in the city of Salinas, a relationship officials admit pushes the boundaries of the constitutional bar on the military operating within U.S. borders but one that should be expanded nationwide.
Nations buying gold from the IMF by the ton -- The African nation of Mauritius has bought two metric tons of gold from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for nearly 72 million dollars.
US public debt tops 12 trillion for the first time -- The US public debt topped 12 trillion dollars for the first time in history, Treasury officials disclosed Tuesday, moving past a key barrier that raised hackles in Congress.
Gun sales shoot up amid America's rising fear of crime & terrorism -- Smith & Wesson expects to nearly double its annual sales in the next three to five years as demand for its firearms soars in the recession.
Hmm...this is interesting - the National Vaccine Injury website does not list the H1N1 vaccine for compensation -- Read the vaccines that are covered by the VICP.
Unsettling revelations about US leasing of Columbian military bases -- A recently publicized U.S. Air Force document presents a far more ominous explanation for massive congressional funding for the forthcoming military construction at the Colombian bases. It emphasizes the “opportunity for conducting full spectrum operations throughout South America” against threats not only from drug trafficking and guerrilla movements, but also from “anti-U.S. governments” in the region.
Indonesia to produce of H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine in November 2010! -- Indonesia plans to start mass production of swine flu vaccine in November 2010 after a clinical trial in March 2010, health minister Endang Rahayu Setyaningsih said. (that's a year away? are they expecting this flu to keep going?)
Leveling Appalachia: The Legacy of Mountaintop Removal Mining -- During the last two decades, mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia has destroyed or severely damaged more than a million acres of forest and buried nearly 2,000 miles of streams.
Kilometer tax avoiders in Netherlands will face fines & jail -- People without a working kilometer tax meter in their cars once the system is introduced in 2012 face six months in jail or a fine of up to €18,500, the Telegraaf reports on Tuesday.
Aetna to layoff over 1000 workers
Hartford Business
PowersThatBe - Gaining an Understanding
- In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized
- Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
- Dutch Publication: Prince Bernhard was deeply involved in weapons ... "15 Apr 2009 ... Rockefeller, the oil man, knew that Russia would become of major ... In order to succeed in Russia Rockefeller realized the Tsar had to go. ..."
- Petro Dollars and the Threat of Iran "11 Oct 2009 ... Yes,, Iraq was a ROGUE nation, like IRAN and a few others, Afghanistan, who will not accept the Rothschild/Rockefeller Central Bank plan to ..."
Minion | Definition of Minion at Dictionary.comA minion's name to recognize:
1. a servile follower or subordinate of a person in power.
2. a favored or highly regarded person.
3. a minor official.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
One of his goals: Final global showdown with Pakistan, China, and Russia.

"Brzezinski's goal is confrontation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the main world center for resistance to US-UK global domination. Anti-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but Brzezinski is not - his target is China, TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to launch, followed by Russia, the world's biggest nuclear power. Such confused activists need to focus on stopping the next war - the final global showdown with Pakistan, China, and Russia. That means rejecting Brzezinski's puppet candidate Obama." FULL ARTICLE
- Advisory Board, America Abroad Media
- Advisory Board, Partnership for a Secure America
- Chair, American Committee for Peace in Chechnya
- Honorary Chairman, AmeriCares Foundation (also used by CIA to finance Solidarity in Poland in the eighties)
- Former Director, Amnesty International
- Honorary Council of Advisors, American Turkish Council
- Chairman, American-Ukranian Advisory Committee (organized by Brzezinski)[6]
- Former Director, Atlantic Council
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Director, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (1972 to 1977)[7]
- Trustee, Freedom House
- Chairman, International Advisory Board for the Yale Project on The Future Culture & Civilization of China
- Vice Chair, International Crisis Group
- Director, Jamestown Foundation
- Director, Polish-American Enterprise Fund, reputed CIA front
- Director, Polish-American Freedom Foundation, reputed CIA front
- Former Director, National Endowment for Democracy (Congressionally-funded organization)
- Governor, Smith Richardson Foundation
- Trustee, Trilateral Commission; Director (1973-1976)
- Advisory Board, US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce
- Advisory Committee, AmeriCares (at least in 2004)
BBC NewsThe US has been warned that its use of drones to target suspected terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan may violate international law. ...Asian Tribune - Radio Nederland WereldomroepUS drone attacks 'may breach international law' Belfast Telegraph
Pakistan Times Wire Service
Further Reading
Brzezinski Suggests False Flag Event Could Kick-Start Iran War
Brzezinski's Fear: Class Warfare and Destruction of the New World Order
Confirmed: Obama is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet
Al-Qaeda-Bilderberg Connection?
- "2 Jun 2007 ... Just north of Pakistan, Zbigniew Brzezinski funded, armed and created the Taliban-- headed by bin Laden-- to offset expected aggression by ..."
- "Obama has been indoctrinated with Brzezinski's Russia hating ideals since he ... World War III is inevitable under the Brzezinski run Obama presidency. ..."
- "Zbigniew Brzezinski tells MSNBC's Morning Joe there is a “growing ... Rockefeller minion Zbigniew Brzezinski echoed Strauss-Kahn in February when he told ..."
Veterans Today | Special Report: Retired military officers cash in as well-paid consultants
November 18, 2009
Six months after Marine Lt. Gen. Gary McKissock retired in 2002, he did what many other ex-military leaders do: He joined the board of directors of a defense contractor, a company doing business with his former service.
McKissock also had a second job. The Marines brought him back as an adviser, at double the rate of pay he made on active duty. Since 2005, the Marines have awarded McKissock contracts worth $1.2 million, in addition to his military pension of about $119,000 a year.
McKissock is one of at least 158 retired admirals and generals the Pentagon has hired to offer advice under an unusual arrangement. Most of the retired officers, one to four stars in rank, have been paid hundreds of dollars an hour by the military even as they worked for companies seeking Defense Department contracts, a USA TODAY investigation found. That's in addition to pensions of $100,000 to $200,000 a year for officers with 30 or more years of service.
MILITARY MENTORS: 158 retired generals consulting for the Pentagon
As "senior mentors," as the military calls them, the retired officers help run war games and offer advice to former colleagues. Some mentors make as much as $330 an hour as part-time government advisers, more than triple what their rate of pay was as high-level, active-duty officers. They earn more — far more, several mentors said in interviews — as consultants and board members to defense companies.
Retired generals have taken jobs with defense contractors for decades, reaping rewards for themselves and their companies through their contacts and insights. But the recent growth in the use of mentors has created a new class of individuals who enjoy even more access than a typical retired officer, and they get paid by the military services while doing so. Most are compensated both by taxpayers and industry, with little to prevent their private employers from using knowledge they obtain as mentors in seeking government work.
Nothing is illegal about the arrangements. In fact, there are no Pentagon-wide rules specific to the various mentor programs, which differ from service to service.
Based on interviews and a review of public records, USA TODAY found:
• Of the 158 retired generals and admirals identified as having worked for the military as senior mentors, 80% had financial ties to defense contractors, including 29 who were full-time executives of defense companies. Those with industry ties have earned salaries, fees or stock options as consultants, board members or full-time employees of defense firms.
Read more at USA Today
Atlantic City Casinos See 3Q Revenue Drop 12.6%
Somali pirates can't be beaten at sea piracy problem will never be resolved at sea. The only hope of restoring order on Somalia's waters is to restore order in Somalia itself. ...
Wind energy in Kansas hampered by lack of power lines
How to Market a Toxic Waste - FLUORIDE
At first, industry could dispose of fluoride legally only in small amounts by selling it to insecticide and rat poison manufacturers.....
Evidently, the heat from the truthful bad press about the medical effects of aspartame has gotten to the corporate giant Ajinomoto, who is trying to change the name to something more warm and fuzzy: AMINOSWEET. Let's hope Obama's FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg, MD, rejects their name change and kicks this neurotoxic carcinogen out of the USA once and for all! Please google and read Read RUMSFELD'S BIOWEAPON LEGACY!
Aspartame - Rumsfeld's Bioweapon Legacy
In December, 1965 Searle chemist James Schlatter discovered aspartame while working on an ulcer drug. The substance, comprised of 50 percent synthetic phenylalanine, 40 percent synthetic aspartic acid and 10 percent methanol, was about 200 times sweeter than sugar by weight and had no calories. By spring, 1967, Searle began conducting safety trials in preparation for petitioning the FDA for product approval. Soon after the trials began, lab animals (monkeys and mice) began experiencing adverse effects ranging from brain lesions and tumors to seizures and death. Yet Searle petitioned the FDA for aspartame approval in February, 1973. According to Turner, Searle provided the FDA with over 100 studies claiming they proved aspartame was "safe." Independent analyses of these studies, however, proves conclusively that aspartame is actually a dangerous, neurotoxic, carcinogenic and highly-addictive drug. FULL ARTICLE>>>
The Japan Times | Invading jellyfish put hurt on fishermen, swimmers - Menace laid to warming seas, China pollution

The fishermen leaned into the nets, grunting and grumbling as they tossed the translucent jellyfish back into the bay, giants weighing up to 200 kg, marine invaders that are putting the men's livelihoods at risk.
The venom of the Nomura's jellyfish, the world's largest species at up to 2 meters in diameter, can ruin a whole day's catch by tainting or killing fish stung when ensnared with them in the maze of nets here in Wakasa Bay.
"Some fishermen have just stopped fishing," said Taiichiro Hamano, 67. "When you pull in the nets and see jellyfish, you get depressed."
Hamano said this year's jellyfish swarm is one of the worst he has seen. Once considered a rarity occurring every 40 years, they are now an almost annual occurrence along several thousand kilometers of Japanese coast, and far beyond Japan.
Scientists believe climate change — the warming of the oceans — has allowed some of the almost 2,000 jellyfish species to expand their ranges, appear earlier in the year and increase overall numbers, much as warming has helped ticks, bark beetles and other pests to spread to new latitudes.
The gelatinous seaborne creatures are blamed for decimating fishing industries in the Bering and Black seas, forcing the shutdown of seaside power and desalination plants in Japan, the Middle East and Africa, and terrorizing beach-goers worldwide, the U.S. National Science Foundation says.
A 2008 foundation study cited research estimating that people are stung 500,000 times every year — sometimes multiple times — in Chesapeake Bay on the U.S. East Coast, and 20 to 40 die each year in the Philippines from jellyfish stings.
In 2007, a salmon farm in Northern Ireland lost its more than 100,000 fish to an attack by the mauve stinger, a jellyfish normally known for stinging bathers in warm Mediterranean waters. Scientists cite its migration to colder Irish seas as evidence of global warming.
Increasingly polluted waters — off China, for example — boost growth of the microscopic plankton that "jellies" feed upon, while overfishing has eliminated many of the jellyfish's predators and cut down on competitors for plankton feed.
"These increases in jellyfish should be a warning sign that our oceans are stressed and unhealthy," said Lucas Brotz, a University of British Columbia researcher.
Here on the rocky Echizen coast, amid floodlights and the roar of generators, fishermen at Kokonogi's bustling port made quick work of the day's catch — packaging glistening fish and squid in Styrofoam boxes for shipment to market.
In rain jackets and hip waders, they crowded around a visitor to tell how the jellyfish have upended a way of life in which men worked trawlers on the high seas in their younger days and later eased toward retirement by joining one of the cooperatives operating nets set in the bay.
It was a good living, they said, until the jellyfish began inundating the bay in 2002, sometimes numbering 500 million, reducing fish catches by 30 percent and slashing prices by half over concerns about quality.
Two nets in Echizen burst last month during a typhoon because of the sheer weight of the jellyfish, and off the east coast jelly-filled nets capsized a 10-ton trawler as its crew tried to pull them up. The three fishermen were rescued.
"We have been getting rid of jellyfish. But no matter how hard we try, the jellyfish keep coming and coming," said Fumio Oma, whose crew is out of work after their net broke under the weight of thousands of jellyfish. "We need the government's help to get rid of the jellyfish."
The invasions cost the industry up to ¥30 billion a year, and tens of thousands of fishermen have sought government compensation, said scientist Shinichi Uye, Japan's leading expert on the problem.
Hearing fishermen's pleas, Uye, who had been studying zooplankton, became obsessed with the little-studied Nomura's jellyfish, scientifically known as Nemopilema nomurai, which at its biggest looks like a giant mushroom trailing dozens of noodlelike tentacles.
"No one knew their life cycle, where they came from, where they reproduced," said Uye, 59. "This jellyfish was like an alien."
He artificially bred Nomura's jellyfish in his Hiroshima University lab, learning about their life cycle, growth rates and feeding habits. He traveled by ferry between China to Japan this year to confirm they were riding currents to Japanese waters.
PRINCE CHARLES NEWS UPDATE | Invested former chief executive of the Ministry of MAORI Development in New Zealand as a Knight Grand Companion

Sir Ngatata Love is invested as a Knight Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace yesterday.
Sir Ngatata, professor of business development at Victoria University and a former chief executive of Te Puni Kokiri (the Ministry of Maori Development), received the honour for his services to Maori.

The Māori (commonly pronounced /ˈmɑːɔri/ or /ˈmaʊri/) are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand (Aotearoa). The group probably arrived in southwestern Polynesia in several waves at some time before 1300. The Māori settled the islands and developed a distinct culture.
Europeans arrived in New Zealand in increasing numbers from the late 18th century and the weapon technologies and diseases they introduced destabilised Māori society. After 1840, Māori lost much of their land and went into a cultural and numerical decline, but their population began to increase again from the late 19th century, and a cultural revival began in the 1960s. The majority of New Zealand's population is of European descent; the indigenous Māori are the largest minority.
Much of what we know of the Maori today comes from the studies and documentations made by Major-General Horatio Gordon Robley. While in New Zealand, Robley befriended the Maori there and used his artistic skills to illustrate and paint scenes of the Maori way of life. Currently the Dominion Museum in Wellington house seventy of his paintings and his sketches provided a basis for Cassells’ publication Races of Mankind.
However, Robley is perhaps most well known for his eccentric collection.
The Maori mummified the tattooed heads of their tribesmen and Robley decided to acquire as many as possible. Over the years he built a collection of 35. In 1908 he offered them to the New Zealand Government for £1,000 but his offer was denied. Today, 30 of his heads are in the collection of the Natural History Museum in New York.
Tame Iti | |
![]() | |
Born | Rotorua, New Zealand |
Ethnicity | Tūhoe Māori |
Born on a train near Rotorua, Tame Iti grew up with his grandparents in the custom known as whāngai (adoption within the same family) on a farm near Ruatoki in the Urewera area of New Zealand. He says that at the age of 10, school authorities forbade him to speak Māori at school.[1] On leaving school, he took up an apprenticeship in interior decorating in Christchurch.
As the Māori nationalist movement grew in New Zealand in the late 1960s and 1970s, Iti became involved. He protested against the Vietnam War and apartheid-era South Africa, and he became involved with Nga Tamatoa, a major Māori protest-group of the 1970s, from its early days. He joined the Communist Party of New Zealand, and went to China in 1973 during the cultural revolution. He has taken part in a number of land-occupations and held a hikoi to the New Zealand Parliament.
Iti has since worked as a radio DJ and as an artist; and started a restaurant in Auckland serving traditional Māori food[2] which collapsed shortly after its launch. Sponsored by the wealthy Gibbs family, Iti briefly set up an art-gallery on Auckland's Karangahape Road. He has also made money from fishing, (getting arrested for illegally taking endangered species), and adopted unusual protest-techniques, such as setting up a tent on the lawn at Parliament and purporting it to be the Māori embassy to New Zealand, serving 'eviction notices' on the owners of former Tuhoe land, and selling Tuhoe passports. He stood for Parliament as a candidate of Mana Māori in the 1996, 1999 and 2002 New Zealand general elections.
Current activity
[update]As of 2006 Tūhoe employed Iti as a social-worker with expertise in combatting drug and alcohol addictions. He has three children, two of them adults.
Tame Iti's ability to court controversy has made him a common feature in New Zealand media, aided by his unusual appearance. Tame Iti has a full facial moko, which he described as "the face of the future" in New Zealand. During 2004 he wore a mohawk. The public arguably know Iti best for his moko and for his habit of performing whakapohane (baring his buttocks) at protests.
Firearms charge
On January 16 2005 during a powhiri (or greeting ceremony) which formed part of a Waitangi Tribunal hearing, Tāme Iti fired a shotgun into a New Zealand flag in close proximity to a large number of people, which he explained was an attempt to recreate the 1860s East Cape War: "We wanted them to feel the heat and smoke, and Tūhoe outrage and disgust at the way we have been treated for 200 years". The incident was filmed by television crews but initially ignored by police. The matter was however raised in parliament, one opposition MP asking "why Tāme Iti can brandish a firearm and gloat about how he got away with threatening judges on the Waitangi Tribunal, without immediate arrest and prosecution".
New Zealand Police subsequently charged Iti with discharging a firearm in a public place. His trial occurred in June 2006. Tāme Iti elected to give evidence in Māori (his second language), stating that he was following the Tūhoe custom of making noise with totara poles. Tūhoe Rangatira stated Iti had been disciplined by the tribe and protocol clarified to say discharge of a weapon in anger was always inappropriate (but stated that it was appropriate when honouring dead warriors, (in a manner culturally equivalent to the firing of a volley over a grave within Western cultures)). Judge Chris McGuire said "It was designed to intimidate unnecessarily and shock. It was a stunt, it was unlawful".
Judge McGuire convicted Iti on both charges and fined him. Iti attempted to sell the flag he shot on the TradeMe auction site to pay the fine and his legal costs, but the sale - a violation of proceeds of crime legislation - was withdrawn.[3]
Iti lodged an appeal, in which his lawyer, Annette Sykes, argued that Crown Law did not stretch to the ceremonial area in front of a Marae's Wharenui. On April 4, 2007, the Court of Appeal of New Zealand overturned his convictions for unlawfully possessing a firearm. While recognising that events occurred in "a unique setting", the court did not agree with Sykes' submission about Crown law. However Justices Hammond, O'Regan and Wilson found that his prosecutors failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Iti's actions caused "requisite harm", under Section 51 of the Arms Act. The Court of Appeal described Iti's protest as "a foolhardy enterprise" and warned him not to attempt anything similar again.[4] [5]
2007 terrorism raids
Performance art
Tame Iti performed a lead role in the Tempest dance theatre production by MAU, a New Zealand contemporary dance company directed by Samoan choreographer Lemi Ponifasio. The Tempest premiered in Vienna in June 2007. Tempest II was performed at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, London in June 2008. Because of Iti's arrest and court case over the 'terror-raids' Ponifasio had to convince the New Zealand High Court to allow the detained Maori activist to travel on the 2008 tour. Affidavits in support of MAU from international arts organizations had also been submitted as evidence to the High Court. Iti was eventually allowed to travel for the tour.[8] Tempest:Without a Body made its New Zealand premier at the Auckland Festival in March 2009.[9]
Tame Iti has appeared in television over the years. In 2008, Tame Iti featured with his son Toikairakau (Toi) Iti in the New Zealand documentary Children of the Revoulution (2008)[10] which screened on Maori Television in April of the same year. Children of the Revolution is about the children of political activists in New Zealand and also featured anti-apartheid leader John Minto and his teenage son; Green Party Member of Parliament, Sue Bradford and her journalist daughter Katie Azania Bradford; Maori Party Member of Parliament, Hone Harawira and his wife Hilda Harawira with their daughter Te Whenua Harawira (organiser of the 2004 Seabed and Foreshore Land March) and musician and former political prisoner Tigilau Ness with his son, hip hop artist Che Fu.[11] The documentary was directed by Makerita Urale and produced by Claudette Hauiti and Maori production company Front of the Box Productions. The documentary won Best Maori Language Programme at the prestigious New Zealand Qantas Television Awards (now called Qantas Film & Television Awards) in 2008.[12]
- ^ Masters, Catherine (28 May 2005). "Tame Iti - the face of Maori nationalism". The New Zealand Herald.
- ^ Simon Collins (October 20, 2007). "Tame Iti was on Government payroll". New Zealand Herald.
- ^ TUMEKE! : Aotearoa | International | blog : nz blogosphere : New Zealand's current affairs & culture magazine
- ^ Hazelhurst, Sophie (2007-04-04). "Wrangle over firearm charges 'ridiculous' - Tame Iti". The New Zealand Herald (Auckland). Retrieved 2008-07-01.
- ^ "Tame Iti feels vindicated". Newstalk ZB. 2007-04-04. Retrieved 2008-07-01.
- ^ "Nationwide anti-terrorism raids, 14 arrested". New Zealand Herald. 15 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-15.
- ^ "NZ police hold 17 in terror raids". BBC. 15 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-15.
- ^
- ^
- ^ "Children of the Revolution". NZ On Screen. Retrieved 2009-10-14.
- ^ "Documentary - Children of the Revolution". Retrieved 26 July 2009.
- ^
- Iti goes to court for firearms charges
- Interview in New Zealand Herald
- Mana magazine 1995 article on Iti
- News-item, conviction
- Tame Iti, Feature: Co-Creator (the open project)
- TradeMe-founder Sam Morgan speaks to TV1 about why he removed the flag from sale on TradeMe
- The Ruatoki valley blazes as Tuhoe stands tall — Indigimedia
- Images of Tāme Iti shooting the flag
- Youtube: Tāme Iti on performing arts and culture
- Harvey, Claire "Tribe of terror", The Bulletin, ACP Magazines.
- MAU dance company, NZ
- Front of the Box Productions
Hope all had a good day. Make sure you are taking your Vitamin D3 to keep your immune systems strong. All is well with me and am continuing to firmly belief that this life is NOT a puzzle to solve, but rather an adventure to experience! Talk at you all later.

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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