For example of amuck with all kinds of crisis and just with 5 crisis headlines off of the Drudge Report:
- Climate change
- Economy
- Wall Street bonuses due to profits from taxpayers' bailouts
- Pending Healthcare Bill
- Nuclear threats from the Mideast
'Climate change pushes poor women to prostitution'...
Effects of climate change have driven women in communities in coastal areas in poor countries like the Philippines to risk dangerous jobs, and sometimes even into the flesh trade.Suneeta Mukherjee, country representative of the United Nations Food Population Fund (UNFPA ), said women in the Philippines are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change in the country. “Climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection,"Mukherjee said during the Wednesday launch of the UNFPA annual State of World Population Report in Pasay City.
Sure, the economy sucks. Unemployment is at least 10.2% and, yes, if you include part-time workers who would rather have full-time jobs it may be over 17%. The government is showering our cash on Wall Street and burning through piles of our children and grandchildren’s money “saving” phantom jobs in Congressional Districts that don’t exist. Oh yeah, and Congress is planning for a government take-over of our health care system, legislating higher energy prices and raising taxes.Sheesh, no wonder we’re feeling blue.
Wall Street tax must be international: Pelosi...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any tax imposed on financial transactions would have to take effect internationally to keep Wall Street jobs and related business from moving overseas, U.S. House of Representatives Speaker NancyPelosi said on Thursday. "It would have to be an international rule, not just a U.S. rule," Pelosi said at a news conference. "We couldn't do it alone, we'd have to do it as an international initiative."
The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill. “We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill from Alabama,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”
Syria suspected of concealing nuclear activity...
WASHINGTON - The International Atomic Energy Agency and Syria are walking a tightrope and appear to be headed toward a collision over two nuclear sites where undeclared uranium was recently found. The agency found traces of uranium at theDair Alzour nuclear site that are not included in Syria's declared inventory, according to a just released report. The Syrians said the uranium came from the Israeli missiles used to destroy the nearbyal-Kibar reactor in September 2007.

"Never allow a crisis to go to waste," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election. "They are opportunities to do big things." Over the weekend, Secretary of State HillaryRodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis." Then President Obama explained in his Saturday radio and Internet address that there is "great opportunity in the midst of" the "great crisis" befalling America." March 10, 2009 LA Times
- Climate change
- Economy
- Wall Street bonuses due to profits from taxpayers' bailouts
- Pending Healthcare Bill
- Nuclear threats from the Mideast

There is the street smarts in the statement FOLLOW THE MONEY. And, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that ALL 5 crisis situations making big headlines in the global corporate-government media - can expose financial winners and the financial losers. Even the blaming of humans for planetary climate change and setting up international taxation for carbon usage (cap and trade) is creative abuse of the global populous that financially benefits the very rich.
Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass | Before long the US Government could be declared a rogue nation internationally
November 19, 2009Jim Willie, The Golden Jackass
Whenever I see an article with JIM WILLIE as it's author - such article is one that I will instantly read in full.
The Golden Jackass website is designed to inform and instruct in the complex ways of gold, currencies, bonds, interest rates, stocks, commodities, futures, derivatives and the world economy, with no respect shown for inept bankers and economists, whose policies and practices contribute toward the slow motion degradation, if not destruction, of the financial world.
The website provides an ongoing source of excellent articles written by other authors, who make significant contributions to the above mentioned topics, in addition to a collection of news briefs filled with critical data. A minimum of tools are also made available for monitoring charts of important series, such as theUSDollar, gold, the CRB index, and the US$ money supply.
For those who wish to pursue a deeper course, with monthly commentary and essays, highlighted by strategic forecasts, combined with potentially profitable mining and energy stock selections, subscription to the HAT TRICK LETTER is offered to members at the cost of a low recurring fee.
I included the following headline off of The Telegraph - a corporate-government media outlet from Britain yesterday in my Evening News Update:
French bank Société Générale (SocGen) getting $11 Billion in US Taxpayer Bailouts now tells clients how to prepare for global collapse
Today, the Drudge Report has shown this headline:
Top Eurobank prepares for 'global economic collapse'...
The gold (and lack thereof) in Fort Knox has been talked for decades. Since I don't buy gold bars - I'm not personally worried about my bar being gold or gold plated tungsten. What does concern me today - as it did yesterday and over a year ago at the time ofbankster bailout - the collapse of the US dollar.
From the above referenced Jim Willie article (emphasis mine):
"Pressures mounted in early October at the London metals exchange as gold contract holders demanded delivery of gold. My source tells me that the parties demanding gold were almost exclusively Chinese. It is mostly private billionaires. Their stated motive was to diversify out of US$-based assets."On October 6, 2009 (in early October) I posted on my Cave news blog the following headline out The Independent in the United Kingdom:
The end of the dollar spells the rise of a new orderThis radical proposal is a reflection of a changing economic worldThe Independent
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Last autumn's global financial crisis set off an economic earthquake. And we are still feeling the tremors. The latest sign of the ground shifting beneath our feet is our report today of plans by Gulf states, China, Russia, France and Japan to end their practice of conducting oil deals in US dollars, switching instead to a diverse basket of currencies....
According to today's news article regarding gold:
"the parties demanding gold were almost exclusively Chinese. It is mostly private billionaires ... Pressures mounted in early October at the London metals exchange as gold contract holders demanded delivery of gold"
It wasn't an American bank or a bank out of England but a FRENCH BANK Société Générale that advised their clients yesterday to PREPARE FOR GLOBAL COLLAPSE. France being one of the countries lining up with China in the October 6th announcement of a changing economic order.
The following picture is of Michelle Obama glaring at the French President Nicolas Sarkosy's wife Carla Bruni - and maybe sums up the relationship of the American and French governments tonight!! The fighting between the MINIONS of the PowersThatBe.

What I'm finding interesting is that there is AWAKENING within the MINION CLASSES - THE WHISTLE BLOWERS. The transmission of information via the internet is acting to expose those Chess Players given the name PowersThatBe. Information is no longer in obscure books in a few libraries - the information in those obscure books are now accessible via the internet. No wonder Rockefeller has made the news with his recent internet comments:
Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard”"Senator Jay Rockefeller declares we'd all be better off if the internet was never invented."
Blitz of “Cyber Attacks” as Rockefeller Bill Approaches"All of this is happening as Senate Commerce Chairman John (Jay) Rockefeller — who has said we'd all be better off if the internet was never invented — plans ..."
- Climate change
- Economy
- Wall Street bonuses due to profits from taxpayers' bailouts
- Pending Healthcare Bill
- Nuclear threats from the Mideast
Jay Rockefeller Can't Deny His Connection to Modern EugenicsToday, the biggest news I saw was the Jim Willie's article in reference to gold - in connection to the October 6th announcement of a CHANGING ECONOMIC ORDER. Then you throw in the ASEAN SUMMIT and you can see the taking of sides between the East and the West (United States and Britain) and the CHANGING ECONOMIC ORDER."And maybe that is why Jay Rockefeller mused during a Senate committee hearing a few months ago that we'd all be better off if the internet never existed. ..."
Rockefeller Foundation: Climate change 'will cause civilization to ..."If the Rockefeller Foundation says civilization will collapse because of CO2 then ..... Does anyone here know how to use the internet to find information? ..."
CFR member, Rockefeller deputy attends White House bank meeting
In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized"He said a cure to cancer exists in the Rockefeller Institute but is kept secret for .... When they were talking about the need to censure the INTERNET, ..."
Reuters | Asian leaders seek to reduce Western trade ties
HUA HIN, Thailand, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Asia-Pacific leaders called on Sunday for regional-wide free trade and other measures to reduce dependence on the United States and big Western markets as Asia leads the way out of the global economic downturn.
Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama urged Asian leaders to keep up fiscal and monetary stimulus measures even as their economies show mounting signs of recovery, saying there was "no room for complacency" and that the job market was still "dire".
Japan's idea for an East Asian Community would encompass Japan, China, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand, along with the 10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Leaders from all those states joined Sunday's talks.....FULL STORY
Today's above referenced Jim Willie's article also sets out some dates - the November date in the very near future:
"The source said the next round of gold contract delivery pressure comes in late November, then again in March 2010, and finally in June 2010."
It is getting late for me (11:11pm) - what a coincidence I just looked at the clock - one of those 11 moments that is talked about recently.
Will talk at you all later...........

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