This is the first time I've seen the Japanese Magnetosphere website down for now two+ days. Maybe when the Prez was in Japan on Friday, he told them to shut it down - can't be letting the sheeple know what's going on ... (good conspiracy theory, huh?).

United States recorded its wettest month of October on record
Examiner.comAccording to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and based on preliminary data from the National Climatic Data Center, October 2009 was the wettest month of October on record overall across the United States.
The nation averaged precipitation amounts of 4.15 inches, nearly doubled the long-term average of 2.04 inches from 1901-2000.
Three states recorded their wettest month of October on record! (Iowa, Arkansas, and Louisiana)
Only 3 states: Florida, Utah, and Arizona recorded below normal precipitation.
Nearly 45 percent of the contiguous United States experienced moderately-to-extremely wet conditions at the end of October, according to the Palmer Index, which is the largest such footprint since February 2005.
The very wet month of October has helped many states along the mid- and Lower Mississippi Valley achieve or near their wettest years on record and has decreased drought overall with only 12 percent of the country experiencing drought conditions, which is the second smallest drought footprint of the decade, according to the NOAA report. (El Nino is the likely cause of extremely wet weather across the South)
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Monday, November 16, 11:15 am PST, 1:15 pm CST
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio is an indicator of an emotional nature that is deeply personal and instinctively transformational, but is determined to remain private (not allowing much public access to its inner workings).
SOLAR PROMINENCE: Yesterday, Alan Friedman of Buffalo, New York, trained his telescope on the sun and waited for sunspot 1029 to reappear. But that wasn't going to happen. It was shaping up to be a dull observing session when something completely different popped into view:
"This magnificent looping prominence stole the show from the corpse of sunspot 1029," says Friedman. "It was the most dramatic prominence I have seen in many months."
Reykjanes Ridge, a volcanically active area - part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system - is being hit with quakes today - November 15, 2009
1005 km (620 miles) SE of Qaqortoq (Julianehab), Greenland
1350 km (840 miles) SW of REYKJAVIK, Iceland
1485 km (920 miles) SE of NUUK (GODTHAB), Greenland

Mid-Atlantic Ridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is a mid-ocean ridge, a divergent tectonic plate ... which includes the island of Iceland is also known as the Reykjanes Ridge. ...
USGS | Quakes measuring 4.3 and 3.6 magnitude hit the CHANNEL ISLAND REGION, CALIFORNIA - Sunday, November 15, 2009

MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s | LAT deg | LON deg | DEPTH km | Region | |
MAP | 3.6 | 2009/11/15 22:48:38 | 33.221 | -119.282 | 5.7 | CHANNEL ISLANDS REGION, CALIFORNIA |
MAP | 4.3 | 2009/11/15 22:45:27 | 33.165 | -119.302 | 6.0 | CHANNEL ISLANDS REGION, CALIFORNIA | | Hawaii's Beaches Shrinking
November 15, 2009 - What's Hawaii without it's beaches? Well, tourist officials may be worrying about that with news that a fourth of Oahu's sandy shores have disappeared while more than half of Kauai's beaches are eroding, AP reports.....
Farmers scramble to finish harvest from hell

"The beans get tough when they pick up moisture," Steve Pierce said.
The clog had idled the $260,000 harvester, another delay in what has been the harvest from hell across the U.S. Midwest corn and soybean belt.
The clock is ticking on farmers like the Pierce brothers all across the Midwest as they scramble to bring in the largest U.S. soybean crop on record and the second-largest corn crop before winter arrives.
Late-maturing crops and persistent rain throughout October halted fieldwork, making this the slowest start for the U.S. harvest since the 1970s. The delays -- and questions about crop quality -- have kept Chicago Board of Trade grain markets on the boil.
Click the following image to see the progression of unemployment in the US.

Protesters Plan Huge Anti-Goldman Rally In Washington, DC on Monday Nov 16th
Washington, DC—On Monday, SEIU President Andy Stern and hundreds of taxpayers will converge on the Washington headquarters of Goldman Sachs to demand an end to multi-billion dollar bonuses and the Too Big To Fail Doctrine and call for immediate Congressional action on real financial reform. This is the latest in a national mobilization launched last month as 5,000 taxpayers from 20 states converged on the American Bankers Association convention in Chicago to demand Wall Street and big banks stop fighting reforms that will protect our families from the next crisis.............
November 15, 2009 - BRITISH passenger jets are being endangered by long-range Russian bombers flying secret monthly missions around UK skies, the Government has warned.The Ministry of Defence fears a catastrophic collision between civilian airliners and Russian “Bear” bombers, which have been heading towards Britain without notifying air traffic controllers.
The escalating risk is so serious that RAF fighters have been scrambled 10 times this year, and on 16 further occasions since 2007.
On each one, Tornado and Typhoon pilots made contact with Russian counterparts as civilian jets prepared emergency diversions to standard flight paths.
The ageing Russian Tupolev-95 bombers are believed to take off from bases near Archangel in Russia then fly at 25,000ft over the North Sea and travel as far as Hull and Lowestoft, testing and tracking British defence echanisms.
In a report last week, the Government agreed with the findings of backbench MPs who said Russia’s cat and mouse actions “risk leading to serious accidents” in “some of the busiest air routes in the world”.
Yet despite demands by the Commons Defence Committee for the Government to take a “more robust” approach with Russia, the Sunday Express has discovered that not one representation has been made to Moscow on the issue.
Last night, MP Bernard Jenkin, a Tory member of the defence committee, said he was “astonished” by the Government inaction.
The British Airline Pilots’ Association voiced its own concerns, calling for immediate assurances from Russia that it would start complying with international regulations.
However, defiant Russian officials said they would continue their hard line approach.
Gold coins market booms in Iran
November 15, 2009 - TEHRAN (Commodity Online): Following India and China, it is now Iran that is mopping up gold as precious reserves for the country. Iran's central bank said last week that it will inject 5 million newly-minted gold coins into the domestic market in order to control rising gold coin prices.
At Thursday's price of 2.8 million rials (about $280) for a standard gold coin in Iran, the total value of the planned intervention would amount to $1.4 billion.
The price of gold coins in Iran has risen sharply in line with developments on international markets where gold bullion has risen 28 per cent this year to a record high $1,122.85 an ounce.
Many Iranians buy gold coins as wedding gifts and also as a long-term investment. A standard gold coin weighs around 8.13 grams. It is also sold in smaller denominations of half a coin and a quarter of a coin.
'Five million gold coins, minted by the Central Bank of Iran, will be supplied to the market beginning on Saturday,' Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani said.
The Irna report did not give more details on the reasons for the central bank's planned gold market intervention, but it appeared in part to be an attempt to help bring down inflation and reduce liquidity in the economy.
People's Daily Online | U.S. President Obama arrives in China's economic hub Shanghai on Sunday night, starting a state visit to China

This year marks the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the People's Republic of China and the United States.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan Rice and National Security Advisor James Jones also arrived in Shanghai Sunday night.......FULL STORY

During this year's meeting in Singapore, the uniform was silk tunic shirts with mandarin collars, in a choice of red or blue-gray. Obama cheerfully opted for the latter. But since he arrived at the summit a day late and just in time for a gala dinner, there was something of a scramble as the leaders pulled together a special photo session to include him.
U.S. President Barack Obama, third right, poses with fellow APEC leaders for a group photo at the Gala Dinner at the APEC Summit in Singapore, Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009. Pictured with Obama from left, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Japan's Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and China's President Hu Jintao.
Alex Jone's | Headlines - November 15, 2009
Webster G. Tarpley | Will the American public ever learn to see through and reject false flag operations?
20 Minutes with the President Video Contest: Final Entries Stream In
Infowars | The contest ends at 8 PM CST today.
Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings, Assassinations in Pakistan
Kurt Nimmo | CIA bombing campaigns and assassinations create a situation requiring a continuation and expansion of the contrived global war on terror.
Leaked G20 Documents Shed Light on Global Carbon Tax
Corbett Report | The documents were snuck out of the conference by Daniel Estulin’s sources.
Equity fund boss: Unemployment at 20%, not 10%
Bloomberg | Leo Hindery is managing director of InterMedia Partners LP.
Gerald Celente — American public losing everything to fascist oligarchs
Dprogram | US economy is no longer capitalism, it’s oligarchies and fascism.
World gold supply running out
Telegraph | Total mine supply has dropped by 10pc as ore quality erodes, implying that the roaring bull market of the last eight years may have further to run.
World leaders back delay to final climate deal
Reuters | Obama and other world leaders Sunday supported delaying a legally binding climate pact until 2010 or even later.
Brown to Apologize for British Kidnapping of Thousands of Children
Telegraph | Kids sent to colonies by government ended up as slaves, abused, and neglected.
Croatian Priest Says Vaccine for Destruction of Humanity Worldwide
MINA | Controversy in Croatia after famous Croatian priest Miroslav Bustruk appealed to Croatians not to get vaccinated against the Swine flu vaccine.
DNA of protesters could be held for life
Anti-war protesters and train spotters arrested under anti-terror laws could have their DNA kept for life under Home Office plans.
Toronto Cops Conduct Door-to-door Search to Find Missing Girl
Toronto Sun | In what he called “an unprecedented move,” police have assigned 60 officers to conduct the intense door-to-door search.
Feds Propose Takeover of Subways, Light-rail Systems
Washington Post | Administration officials said the plan will be presented in coming weeks to Congress, which must approve a change in the law.
City surveillance: Crime deterrent or invasion of privacy?
KSL TV 5 | High-tech surveillance networks are providing police and government with the ability to monitor streets, parks and businesses like never before.
Fat mothers-to-be banned from giving birth at their local hospital
Mail Online | Pregnant women are to be barred from giving birth at their local hospital if midwives consider them to be too fat.
How ABC News’ Brian Ross Cooked His ‘Hasan Contacted Al Qaeda’ Scoop
Gawker | ABC News’ Brian Ross has a breathtaking record of recklessly inaccurate, overhyped stories that don’t live up to the headline.
Jehadi Déjà Vu: Hasan, 9/11 Muslims, and Strip Clubs
Corruption American Style | The story on Hasan and the Fort Hood massacre is cut from the same cloth as the story behind the 9-11 Muslim terrorists that was fed to the public following 9-11.
‘These people just want to be left alone’
Real News Network | In Afghaninstan the US soldiers are losing heart for a fight they feel their presence is only prolonging.
Million Hit by Plague Worse than Swine Flu
Sunday Express | A deadly plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbors into a state of panic.
H1N1: Fact or Fiction?
Barbara Loe Fisher | Last spring we suddenly found ourselves watching You Tube videos of people being quarantined in hotels and detained on airplanes by HazMat teams.
Infowars | Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
Task force seeks ban on assault weapons
Washington Post | A binational task force on U.S.-Mexico border issues will call Friday on the Obama administration and Congress to reinstate an expired ban on assault weapons.
White House to Begin Push on Immigration Overhaul in 2010
New York Times | Obama administration will insist on measures to give legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.
Raw Story | Sunday’s twin suicide bombings in Baghdad that killed at least 155 people and wounded 500 others may have had help from within Iraq’s security apparatus.
Baghdad bombings kill 130, wound hundreds
MarketWatch | A pair of bomb blasts in downtown Baghdad near two government buildings killed more than 130 people and wounded hundreds.
New York Times | Federal prosecutors began legal action to seize properties cross the country in a broad move against a nonprofit organization that was accused of illegally providing money and other services to Iran.
Israel Warns IDF Ready to Roll Against Iran
Arutz Sheva | Israel’s warnings that it will not tolerate an existential threat in the form of a nuclear Iran should be taken seriously, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned.
‘US using Iran as excuse to boost military budget’
Press TV | Iran’s army chief says by accusing the Islamic Republic of pursuing a military nuclear program the US government is seeking to escalate its military spending budget.
Dahr Jamail | A single mother is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for son.
Security Worsens As Taliban Move Into Northern Afghanistan
Radio Free Europe | When Taliban fighters hijacked two NATO fuel tankers along the new northern supply route into Afghanistan earlier this month, they generated international headlines.
Thousands of guns U.S. sent to Afghanistan are missing
CNN | More than one-third of all weapons the United States has procured for Afghanistan’s government are missing, according to a government report.
TruthAlliance | Airplane crashes have always proved to leave massive holes, fire, bodies and a twisted plane smashed across a large debris field.
Immortal Technique on Obama, 9/11 Truth & Corporate America
Infowars | In an exclusive interview with RT’s Marina Portnaya he says America’s bad decisions are covered up with lame excuses.
9/11’s delayed legacy: cancer for many of the rescue workers
Guardian | A spate of recent deaths of New York police and fire officers who took part in the emergency operation at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks has heightened fears that it could be the start of a delayed epidemic of cancer-related illness.
Thomas R. Eddlem | Ron Paul’s presidential campaign evidently inspired dozens of candidates for congressional office across the nation who seek to reform Congress from a constitutionalist perspective.
Detroit Council members carry guns for safety
Detroit News | None said they plan to bring their weapons to City Hall, where armed security officers are assigned to council meetings to protect them.
Kentucky Joins Movement to Resist Abuses of Commerce Clause, 2nd Amendment
Michael Boldin | In states around the country, there’s a growing movement to address and resist two of the most abused parts of the Constitution – the Commerce Clause and the 2nd Amendment.
Mail Online | 51% agree it is a serious concern but remain unconvinced of the role humans play.
Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans
Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D | “I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice.”
MPAA shuts down entire town’s muni WiFi over a single download
Cory Doctorow | The MPAA has successfully shut down an entire town’s municipal WiFi because a single user was found to be downloading a copyrighted movie.
Palm Beach Post | Gore introduced as “president of the planet” when he delivered an environmental lecture in Boca Raton.
Genzyme Drugs Contaminated With Steel, Rubber
Bloomberg | Batches of Genzyme Corp.’s treatments for rare genetic disorders may be contaminated with steel fragments, non-latex rubber, and fiber-like materials from the manufacturing process
Oath Keepers Pegged as Hate Group in Montana
Independent Record | Ron Paul campaign group aslo characterized as outside the political mainstream.
New York Times | Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech.
Obama to Put Cap and Trade On Backburner?
Politico | Democratic lobbyist Steve Elmendorf says the White House focus on deficit reduction could easily kill the cap-and-trade effort.
Treasury Wants Donations to Pay Off National Debt
Reuters | Not sure what to give Uncle Sam this Christmas?
Infowars | While Al Gore spewed his Global Warming lies in an outdoor arena we did our best to chant and educate on the TRUTH about the global warming scam!
Why Dobbs Quit CNN: Birthers, Politics
Newsmax | Lou Dobbs walked away from CNN — and $9 million — under pressure to tone down his rhetoric as the network seeks a more centrist position among the cable news channels.
A to Z of what's wrong with America - The list
A is for Aspartame - The magic powder that turns diet soda into brain poison.
B is for Bailout money - Because all we really need is another trillion dollars.
C is for Codex Alimentarius - Because we all need to be protected from dangerous vitamins, right?
D is for Dumbing Down - No matter how uneducated the kids are, there's always a public school willing to compromise its standards just enough to let them pass.
E is for Environmental Policy - Because treating the rivers and waterways like America's toilet makes for fascinating beach swimming.
F is for FDA (or Foreclosures) - Just what we need: A Big Pharma tyranny enforcement branch in Washington D.C.
G is for Genetically Modified Organisms - Because playing God with the food supply sounded like such a great idea, we just couldn't resist.
H is for Health insurance (or lack thereof) - Just another financial scam to enslave Americans in a medical police state while denying them access to real health services.
I is for Intellectual Property laws - Corporations already own patents on 20% of the human genome, including your genes.
J is for Junk food - Is it junk? Or is it food? It looks like food, but nourishes like junk. Let's all eat some more...
K is for Krispy Kreme doughnuts - Because as long as we're all gonna be clinically obese, we might as well die with a smile on our faces and donut powder on our lips.
L is for corporate Lies - Just when you thought they ran out of 'em, they miraculously come up with new ones. (
M is for Mainstream Media and Mammograms - The Mainstream Media pushes mammograms, a brilliant technology for causing breast cancer and heart damage.
N is for National debt - It'll never be paid off, but it's fun to watch it expand. I wonder what happens when it gets too high?
O is for Oil - Why build wind farms when you can just buy more oil from the Arab states or drill in the Amazon?
P is for Pharmaceuticals - Because you were all born deficient in patented chemicals, and Big Pharma is determined to "correct your imbalances." There's a fee involved, of course.
Q is for Quacks - Oncologists, vaccine pushers, c-section surgeons and nutritionally-illiterate physicians who push patented chemicals instead of real health solutions.
R is for Real Estate Bubbles - Because buying a home is the best investment you can ever make... until suddenly it isn't.
S is for SSRI drugs - Need a little violence in your school? Psychiatric drugs are standing by, ready to help unleash a few flying bullets.
T is for Tyranny - Whether we're talking about the FTC, FDA, DEA, CDC, IRS or DHS, a little tyranny goes a long way towards keeping the sheeple in line.
U is for Unemployment - It's the worst since 1945, and that's if you believe the official government numbers that don't even count people who gave up looking for work.
V is for Vaccines - The greatest quackery yet cooked up by drug pushers. See "Q" above.
W is for Wall Street - A place where crooks can turn greed and aggression into insane profits.
X is for X-rays and medical imaging - You're in luck: Just when you were hoping for a little DNA mutation, your doctor orders another CT scan. (
Y is for Yard sales - Because what we really want to see when driving around the neighborhood is all our neighbors' junk strewn across their front lawns.
Z is for Zillions - Which is how much fiat money will soon be printed by the Federal Reserve when other nations stop buying worthless U.S. debt.
A to Z of what's right with America - The list
A is for Alternative medicine - Although the Associated Press hasn't figured it out yet, alternative medicine is cheaper, safer and more effective than pharmaceuticals and surgery.
B is for Breastfeeding - Because the best milk is mother's milk.
C is for the Constitution - Without it, this website wouldn't even exist and free speech would be stifled.
D is for Democracy - Despite all its shortcomings, Democracy is still the best form of government the world has come up with.
E is for Education - Although it's not perfect, we still have some outstanding schools and teachers teaching our nation's youth some important skills and knowledge.
F is for Farmer's Markets - The last place in the country where you can still buy real food grown by real people.
G is for home Gardening - Turn your lawn into a garden and you'll have your own food supply!
H is for Herbs - The best medicine, made by Mother Nature.
I is for Internet - The last medium of freedom. Without it, we'd all still be plugged into the Matrix.
J is for Juicing - Because drinking raw, living vegetable juices is perhaps the single best thing you can do for your own health.
K is for Kayaking- And all the other stuff you can do in the great outdoors across America's amazing national and state parks.
L is for Liberty - While we still have some left, it might be a good idea to protect it.
M is for Meditation and Massage therapy - Both are really healthy, relaxing activities available all across America.
N is for Nutritional supplements - Even though the FDA has tried to destroy the industry, you can still find an amazing assortment of nutritional supplements across the USA.
O is for Organics - Thank God we have chemical-free foods and personal care products available -- and an organization working to protect them (
P is for the People - Without whom this nation would not exist. The American People have amazing diversity, creativity and resilience.
Q is for Quantum shift in consciousness - It's happening right now, and it could help uplift the nation into a whole new paradigm soon.
R is for Random acts of kindness - Despite all its problems, America is still a place where you can find kind, compassionate people who are willing to lend a helping hand.
S is for Superfoods - America offers a huge, diverse assortment of medicinal superfoods. Just visit any health food store!
T is for Traditional Chinese Medicine - Okay, it doesn't sound truly American, but the fact is that TCM is achieving wild success across the country, and now many American TCM practitioners are helping people heal with the power of medicinal herbs and acupuncture.
V is for Voting - Although it isn't perfect, it's still the best way we have going for people to exercise some control over the laws of the land.
W is for Wilderness - It's one of the most impressive things about America: The vast expanses of diverse, gorgeous wilderness.
X is for Xenodochial - It's a word you've probably never heard of, but it means being friendly to strangers.
Y is for Yoga - America has become a hub for yoga activity. No matter what kind of yoga you're interested in, you can find it in a major American city.
Z is for Zoos and MuZeums - America has lots of fantastic zoos and museums where you can learn a wealth of information about the world around you.
Artificial Sweeteners are Continually Found to be Unsafe and Toxic A recent study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego found that adult women who drink at least two diet sodas a day experience a 30 percent drop in kidney function over the course of a decade.... |
Water Wars Erupt in India as Drought Threatens Population Survival (NaturalNews) The drought in India has become so severe that people have begun literally fighting over water in many regions of the country, even murdering each other over the precious substance. Northern India is in the grips of a drought so severe... |
Carrots going into space to help nourish astronauts with phytonutrients (NaturalNews) NASA has announced there's evidence of frozen water on Mars and the moon, raising hopes humans will eventually explore and colonize those and other neighbors in our solar system and beyond. Already, astronauts live for long periods aboard... |
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Calcium Bentonite Clay is the Natural Body pH Balancer Ph is the new buzz word these days regarding health. We have begun to discover the pitfalls and dangers when our bodies are over acidified from many sources. Nancy Appleton, Ph. D, a nutritional consultant, stated, "The state of balance ... |
Stop and Kill Cancer Cells: Chrysanthemums could Hold the Key, Chinese Scientists Find Chinese scientists have found that an extract of a common flowering plant -- known to most of us as mums -- could be a potent cancer treatment. In a series of studies, a research team headed by Professor Zong-fang Li from the Second Affiliated... |
Best restaurant in the world accused of using toxic additives in their cuisine (Natural News) Ferran Adria, the world renowned chef of El Bulli, has been criticized for inadvertently poisoning customers with his version of the sophisticated culinary art known as haute cuisine. El Bulli, near Barcelona, Spain, has been chosen... |
Loss of Ocean Seagrass Beds Accelerating Due to Human Activity (NaturalNews) As critical for ocean life as coral reefs but less well known, seagrass beds around the planet are also in sharp decline, according to a study conducted by researchers from Australia, Spain and the United States, and published in the |

Published Version of my News Updates: Surviving the Revolution and Earthchanges
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