It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Monday Morning - January 11, 2010 |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
US preparing military for possible Iran conflict
Jerusalem Post | The US does not want to see confrontation with Iran but is still preparing its military for that possibility, Adm. Mullen said.
Russia Bans U.S. Poultry Over Chlorine
Food Safety News | Russia joins the European Union in prohibiting the use of chlorine as an anti-microbial treatment in poultry production, which is commonly used in the United States. |
Iran demands UK accountability for Afghan drug problem | Headlines - January 10, 2010
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | Headlines - January 10, 2010
Britain is ruled by 26 illegal Brussels sprouts
The EU’s Commissioners are still occupying their posts illegallyFood costs to soar as big freeze deepens
• Farmers struggle to harvest supplies
• Brown chairs urgent talks on crisis
Britons have been warned to brace themselves for an increase in food prices as plunging temperatures leave farmers unable to harvest vegetables and hauliers struggle to distribute fresh produce.
Is this the end of food as we know it?
new film paints an apocalyptic picture of a world reduced to tinned goods. But could it ever happen here
Walk Away From Your Mortgage!
John Courson, president and C.E.O. of the Mortgage Bankers Association, recently told The Wall Street Journal that homeowners who default on their mortgages should think about the “message” they will send to “their family and their kids and their friends.” Courson was implying that homeowners — record numbers of whom continue to default — have a responsibility to make good. He wasn’t referring to the people who have no choice, who can’t afford their payments. He was speaking about the rising number of folks who are voluntarily choosing not to pay.
The mini ice age starts here
The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists.
Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in
summer by 2013.
Climategate investigated by – WTF? – the ‘National Domestic Extremism’ team
Finally the Norfolk rozzers are on the case of Climategate. Are they investigating fraudulent misuse of grant funds? Misleading manipulation of data by a taxpayer-funded research institute? Conspiracy to encourage the squandering of trillions of dollars on a non-existent problem?
Obama Asks Congress to Bypass Conference Committee to Finalize Health Bill
If Democratic leaders agree, the House would work on and amend the Senate version of the legislation before sending it back to the Senate for a final vote. Renouncing to a conference committee would help speed up action on the health bill and allow a passage before the State of the Union address in early February.
Obama takes new tack in disregarding parts of laws
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is lowering the volume in a long-running argument between Congress and the executive branch over when, if ever, a president has the power to bypass federal statutes he has signed into law.
“Small Government Conservatives” Who Worship the State
Some time back, someone commented on an earlier column by saying “small government” conservatives only hated the government when it offered people a crutch, not when it clubbed them. There’s a lot of truth in that.
No Acquiesce to Depredation
“A little government and a little luck are necessary in life; but only a fool trusts either of them.”
“When politics are used to allocate resources, the resources all end up being allocated to politics.”
Resistance Is NOT Futile: Forgotten Lessons from the Nullification Crisis
Even as calls for nullification of proposed federal health care mandates have intensified on the state level, an almost hysterical effort has arisen to discredit such measures, and paint them as part of an obsolete theory with no bearing on modern politics.
By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.
This nation is riding an ominously prophetic swell that foretells the end of a decade-long precipitous slide to a jumping off point into a crescendo of ever-ascending calamitous events preceding a final plunge into devastation and oblivion. I continue to receive mail from those who advocate for the salvation of this country via a political route. Will we ever understand that the afflictions that are upon the nation have their roots in a deep and abiding spiritual sickness? The futility of looking to corrupt politicians and fallible men for answers ought to be evident. Everything the politicians and their bureaucratic minions turn their hands to moves the nation deeper into a morass of fiscal insolvency, non-winnable wars, societal conundrums and moral abasement. It is truly the devil’s course that these arrogant cretins follow, and his seeds that they sow.
The Surge in U.S. Personal Bankruptcies, Foreclosures and Job Losses
by Bob Chapman
Global Research
The number of Americans filing for personal bankruptcy rose by nearly a third in 2009, a surge largely driven by foreclosures and job losses.
Geithner’s Fed told AIG to hide “backdoor bailout”
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, during its $180 billion bailout of American International Group, Inc., instructed AIG to omit details of its purchase of certain toxic assets from a December 24, 2008, Securities and Exchange Commission filing, according to e-mails between the company and the Fed released Thursday.
Just Biding Our Time Before The Crash In 2011
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
– The Boxer, by Paul Simon
“They Are Rocking Even Me”
This will be my tenth annual forecast issue. Time has flown by, and I enter a new decade of writing Thoughts from the Frontline. And even as I write about the high level of uncertainty of the current times, I am optimistic that at the opening of the next decade we will look back and realize that there has been an enormous amount of progress made. None of us will want to revisit the pleasures of the past ten years in some nostalgic dream. I am so ready for a new decade. And speaking of Paul Simon (above), reading the lyrics of The Boxer, one of my favorite songs from my youth, another few words seemed to hit home:
The Military-Industrial Compex is Ruining the Economy
Everyone knows that the too big to fails and their dishonest and footsy-playing regulators and politicians are largely responsible for trashing the economy.
Trilateral Geithner: Corrupted Regulator?
Timothy Geithner is a rising star within the membership of the Trilateral Commission: He is highly educated, has extensive regulatory experience, and is wiling to bend, break or obscure the rules to favor his global elite bosses.
Domestic Espionage Alert: Spy Drone Discovered
KPRC news in Houston recently filmed a secret experiment by law enforcement agencies including the Dept. of Homeland Security of a drone intended to spy on Americans.
Chavez orders currency devaluation by 50% in Venezuela…
Venezuelans rushed to the shops on Saturday, fearful of price rises after a currency devaluation that will let President Hugo Chavez boost government spending ahead of an election but feeds opposition charges of economic mismanagement.
Japan Airlines ‘about to collapse’
JAPAN AIRLINES, Asia’s biggest carrier, could fall into bankruptcy within days in the latest sign the bad times are far from over for the aviation industry.
Blackwater Fever: High Crimes and Hired Guns
Scott Horton of Harper’s gives us chapter and verse of the Justice Department’s very deliberate — and insultingly brazen — sabotaging of its own case against the Blackwater mercenaries who murdered 17 Iraqis in Nisoor Square back in September 2007. As any sentient observer could have told you then, these hired killers — gorging on taxpayer dollars as they assisted the mass-murdering invasion and occupation of Iraq — were never going to do time. Why should they? They were just doing what they were paid, by us, to do: kill ragheads.
Joyce Riley's The Power Hour News | January 11, 2010
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Will the real underwear bomber please stand up? -- Take a look at these 2 photos on this website link. These are definitely two different human beings. Is there a more sinister meaning to this story or Was the young man in Photo 1 a baby-faced patsy coerced into being the fall guy? OR Perhaps this was just a mix-up from the Ghana News Site???
New clothes could make you sick -- A microbiologist hired by "GMA" found evidence of feces, vaginal secretions and even diarrhea causing viruses when it took cultures from so-called brand new clothes at popular high- and low-end stores in New York City. (ABC did not name the retailers)
Bacteria linked to feces found in nearly half of fast food soda fountains -- A team of microbiologists from Hollins University found that 48% of sodas tested from the fast food fountains contain coliform bacteria, which is typically fecal in origin. And most bacteria found were antibiotic resistant.
Snow flurries spotted in south Florida -- The National Weather Service in Miami on Saturday night was investigating nearly a dozen reports from West Palm Beach on down to Kendall from weather observers who said they saw snow flurries mixed in with the rain that fell in the afternoon. "We can't deny it didn't happen. We just haven't been able to confirm it," Rothfuss said.
Sharp drop in temperature could spike food prices -- From produce to meat, juice to bread... the sharp drop in temperatures blanketing most of the US could add up to a spike in prices at the grocery store.
The great snow of 2010 -account from Ireland -- "I, at 20, have never seen weather like this. I wasn’t around in to witness the big snow in Dublin in 1982 (really cool, forgive the pun video here) but even for those who were the conditions then didn’t even come close to what we’re dealing with at the moment."
Study looks into effects of full body scanner technology -- Researchers at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory have shown that terahertz radiation may be able to do some serious damage to the DNA it encounters when bouncing off your body.
Airport evacuated for jars of honey thought to be explosives -- U.S. Transportation and Security administration screeners turned up five Gatorade bottles full of what they called a "suspicious-looking liquid." Swabs of the bag and bottles tested positive for the explosives TNT and TATP. Further tests showed it was honey.
Toxic metal found in kids' jewelry very dangerous -- Most people get a microscopic dose of the heavy metal just by breathing and eating. Plants, including tobacco, take up cadmium through their roots and people absorb it during digestion or inhalation. Without direct exposure, however, people usually don't experience its nasty side: cancer, kidneys that leak vital protein, bones that spontaneously snap. Cadmium is particularly dangerous for children because growing bodies readily absorb substances, and cadmium accumulates in the kidneys for decades.
US Fed Rigs Stock Market -- So now the whispers about government intervention into the world's largest stock market have reached the point where the mainstream press is writing about them. Way back in 1987, during the Crash, it was common knowledge - or at least a common rumor - that Alan Greenspan had demanded that commercial banks buy stocks directly to help stabilize the market, and had provided funds for that purpose.
California governor pushes speed cameras in California budget -- Schwarzenegger called for the deployment of a massive statewide speed camera program to generate at least $397.5 million in net profit to state and local government.
There is no economic recovery happening -- We cannot recover until we purge the excess debt from the system, and the longer we take to do that, the longer the pain will last and the worse it will be.
Domestic espionage alert: spy drone discovered in Houston -- KPRC news in Houston recently filmed a secret experiment by law enforcement agencies including the Dept. of Homeland Security of a drone intended to spy on Americans.
More surveillance can make us less safe -- With the attempted terror attack on Christmas, it appears that this focus on doing more surveillance rather than better security was a major part in "failing to connect the dots" that allowed the plot to get as far as it did. ("They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin )
The coming emergency state -- The Orwellian “Department of Homeland Security”, and Obama’s maintenance of other Bush Administration polices, are but the earliest symptoms of this emerging “Emergency State”.
A frreeeeeezing nation with little relief in sight! -- South Carolina officials called an early end to the shrimping season and Florida citrus growers remained on edge Friday as a cold snap persisted across much of the U.S. Heavy snowfall and icy temperatures prompted dozens of Minnesota schools to close and delayed the opening of some state offices Friday, while wind-chill levels in the Dakotas hovered around 25-degrees below zero.
Venezuelan F-16 fighters intercept US warplane -- Venezuela has scrambled two F-16 fighter jets to ward off a US 'military plane' amid reports of “US trespassing the country's airspace.”
US, NATO expanding Afghan war into the Horn of Africa and Indian Ocean -- Polluting more of the world with depleted uranium. In parallel with the escalation of the war in South Asia - counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan and drone missile attacks in Pakistan - the United States and its NATO allies have laid the groundwork for increased naval, air and ground operations in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden.
Magnitude 6.5 earthquake rattles Eureka in northern California -- Magnitude 6.5 earthquake rattles Eureka in northern California -- The temblor snaps power lines, shatters windows and is felt over a wide area, but no major injuries are reported. 'It was a monstrous one,' a merchant says.
Obama risks domestic military intervention -- There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic. Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.
Compact fluorescent lights may harm health -- Exposure to compact fluorescent light bulbs may be dangerous to many people's health, a number of consumer advocacy groups have warned the British government.
You could end up a dead peasant -- Employers may have purchased secret insurance policies on your life and then cash in when you die. U.S. Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, charges that companies buy the policies solely for the tax advantage.
Latest video on Crow Creek tribe -- The electric company is still cutting their supplies.
* Crow Creek Souix tribe chairman Brandon Sazue at his encampment on embattled Souix land -- The riders found Sazue holding his own in sub-zero temperatures. The chairman took up residence on the expanse shortly after the auction, intending to fast and pray for its repatriation until the crisis is resolved. “I’m not going anywhere. This land never was and never will be for sale. Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow. As chairman, I inherited the tax problem and tried to work with the IRS. They claim they ‘consulted’ with us, but all they did was tell us ‘here’s how it's going to go"
Economist was under contract with HHS while touting health care reform -- MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, one of the leading academic defenders of health care reform, is taking heat for failing to disclose consistently that he was under contract with the Department of Health and Human Services while he was touting the Democrats' health proposals the media.
Is Monsanto's corn destroying your internal organs? -- The "data strongly suggests" that after just 90 days of eating GM corn, rats experienced kidney toxicity and showed effects to their hearts, adrenal glands, spleen and blood cells. (The study was published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences.)
Is this the end of food as we know it? -- A new film paints an apocalyptic picture of a world reduced to tinned goods. But could it ever happen here, asks Bee Wilson.
Flashback story - Raw Foodists Arrested for Trafficking Chocolate after TSA dogs think it's hashish
The Constitution will never enforce itself -- It is quite clear the federal government is completely out of touch with those they are supposed to be serving. Yet the Constitution provides for us, the inheritors of the greatest system of government the world has ever known, a way to defend our rights. This is the tenth amendment!
Top 10 wacky Geo-ingineering ideas to save the planet -- The solution to climate change lies not in the hands of politicians, but some seriously nutty scientists
Some "cloud" formations you may have missed
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic CamsNebraska Bookstore introduces book rental programNebraska man's homemade igloo - video Security Changes To Be Minimal At Lincoln, Nebraska Airport Officials with the Lincoln Regional Airport say travelers won't notice much in security changes at this level. (Full Story)
Lincoln, NE main post office pipe burst - no mail damage | |||
Pearl Harbor 'blasphemy!' Americans 'incensed' by U.S. calendars promoting Islamic New Year Dec. 7th |
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
Rosarno, Italy An immigrant worker in Rosarno, in the southern Italian region of Calabria, walks by a wall in the town after clashes with residents took place overninght. Authorities and reports said residents beat immigrants with iron bars, shot at them and ran them over, injuring nine -- two seriously -- in a second night of racially charged violence. In Italy, immigrants detained after riotsBoston Globe - 7 hours ago The clashes began Thursday night in Rosarno, a working-class city amid citrus groves in Calabria, the toe of Italy's boot, after a legal immigrant from Togo ... Race Riots Grip Italian Town, and Mafia Is Suspected New York Times |
Bacallek, Albania
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 11, 2010 AT 8:18 AM CDT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind BIG SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 is busy growing again. In only 24 hours, it has expanded from a barely visible "sun-speck" to a planet-sized active region with 15 dark cores and a tangled magnetic field. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Mon Jan 11 14:11:08 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
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The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government | 11 Jan 2010
'Uncle Sam is 'marking territory' - like a dog on a lamppost.' Obama's Yemeni odyssey targets China By M K Bhadrakumar 09 Jan 2010 A year ago, Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh made the startling revelation that his country's security forces apprehended a group of Islamists linked to [Wait for it... it's good...] the Israeli intelligence forces. "A terrorist cell was apprehended and will be referred to the courts for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," he promised. Saleh added, "You will hear about the trial proceedings." Nothing was ever heard and the trail went cold. [Well, knock me over with a feather!] ...Is Obama so incredibly forgetful of his own December 1 speech outlining his Afghan strategy that he violated his own canons? Certainly not. Obama is a smart man. The intervention in Yemen will go down as one of the smartest moves that he ever made for perpetuating the US's global hegemony. It is America's answer to China's surge.
'US to double its security funding to Yemen' 10 Jan 2010 The Head of the US Central Command Gen. David Petraeus has declared that Washington is to double its security assistance funding to Yemen, from $70 million to more than $150. However the US has no plans to send ground troops to Yemen, Petraeus told CNN in an interview that will be aired on Sunday... Shia fighters in the north have repeatedly reported that US fighter jets have bombed the northwestern province of Sa'ada.
UK troops 'executed Iraqi grandmother' --Royal Military Police investigate latest allegation of abuse another war crime in Basra 11 Jan 2010 Allegations that a 62-year-old Iraqi grandmother was tortured and executed by British soldiers after her family home was raided three years ago are being investigated by the Royal Military Police. The Army's involvement in the death and abuse of Sabiha Khudur Talib is one of the most serious charges to be made against Britain during its six-year occupation of southern Iraq. UK government ministers are to be given previously unseen police reports from a Basra crime unit which conclude that Mrs Talib's body was dumped on a roadside in a British body bag in November 2006. There was a bullet hole in her abdomen and her face had injuries consistent with torture, police reported.
Alastair Campbell had Iraq dossier changed to fit US claims' --WMD in a year' allegation halved original timescale after compilers told to compare contents with Bush speech 10 Jan 2010 Fresh evidence has emerged that Tony Blair's discredited Iraqi arms dossier was "sexed up" on the instructions of Alastair Campbell, his communications chief, to fit with claims from the US administration that were known to be false. The pre-invasion dossier's worst-case estimate of how long it would take Iraq to acquire a nuclear weapon was shortened in response to a George Bush speech.
'Significant amounts of money were spent on procuring the services of Afghan warlords.' UK 'paid Afghan warlord $2m to find Osama Bin Laden' 09 Jan 2010 The UK paid $2m (£1.3m) for the services of an Afghan warlord in an operation against Osama Bin Laden in 2001, it has been alleged. BBC Two's Conspiracy Files heard claims from a US special forces commander that both the Americans and British paid substantial sums to Afghan warlords... Dalton Fury told the BBC significant amounts of money were spent on procuring the services of Afghan warlords. "General Hazrat Ali was paid $4 million to rent his leadership and his men. Haji Zaman Gamsurek supported by the United Kingdom was paid $2 million," said Mr Fury.
Sunday Mirror journalist killed in Afghan blast 10 Jan 2010 The defence correspondent of the Sunday Mirror newspaper has become the first British journalist to be killed while covering the war in Afghanistan. Rupert Hamer, 39, was accompanying a US Marine Corps patrol when an explosion from a device hidden outside a small village hit the vehicle he was travelling in on Saturday. The photographer Philip Coburn, 43, who had worked with Mr Hamer in several war zones, suffered severe leg injuries in the attack.
Officials: Suspected US Drones Kill 13 In Pakistan 06 Jan 2010 Suspected U.S. drone missile strikes killed 13 people in Pakistan's volatile northwest Wednesday, the latest of five such attacks in the past week targeting an area believed to be a hideout for militants involved in a suicide attack on a CIA base in Afghanistan. Since the attack, suspected U.S. drones have carried out an unusually high number of strikes in North Waziristan, part of a larger trend of President Barack Obama using the aircraft more frequently in Pakistan than had his predecessor.
Al-Qa'ida trains 20 more plane bombers --Other young Muslim men like Abdulmutallab are prepared in Yemen for terror attacks 10 Jan 2010 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab told US investigators that about 20 other young Muslim men were being coached in Yemen to blow up planes using a technique identical to the one he employed, CBS News has reported, quoting a British intelligence source.
Taliban make 'undetectable' bombs out of wood 10 Jan 2010 Taliban fighters have developed a deadly new generation of their most lethal weapon, the improvised explosive device, or IED, which is almost undetectable because it has no metal or electronic parts, military experts said last week. IEDs have proved the Taliban's most deadly weapon: three out of five coalition troops killed last year in Afghanistan were victims of the bombs.
How this suicide bomber opened a new front in Al-Qaeda's war --New details have emerged of the failures that led to the deaths of seven CIA agents in Afghanistan. 10 Jan 2010 That morning, Wednesday December 30, Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi had been picked up at the Ghulam Khan border crossing by an Afghan army commander called Arghawan, who was in charge of security at the Chapman base... As Balawi stepped out of the car, seven CIA officers and a handful of soldiers gathered around. According to the guard, it was then that Balawi detonated his bomb, killing eight and injuring six. Arghawan, still sitting in the driver’s seat, survived the initial blast but a US soldier shot him in the head with his pistol, assuming that he was part of the bomb plot.
CIA Bomber in Video With Taliban Leader --Tape Surfaces Showing Jordanian Who Killed CIA Operatives in Afghanistan Vowing Revenge for Killing of Taliban Figure 09 Jan 2010 A Jordanian doctor-turned-suicide bomber and triple agent who killed 7 CIA agents and a Jordanian intelligence agent in Afghanistan on December 30, appeared in a video broadcast by a Pakistani TV station on Saturday, meeting with Pakistan's main Taliban leader, and provoking widespread reaction over his ties with militants on both sides of the Pak-Afghan border.
'Bush sold Arab states arms in violation of deal with Israel' 09 Jan 2010 The Bush administration violated security related agreements with Israel in which the U.S. promised to preserve the IDF's qualitative edge over Arab armies, according to senior officials in the Obama administration and Israel. Defense Minister Ehud Barak traveled to the U.S. in September for a rushed meeting in which it was agreed that the two allies would discuss how to resolve the problems regarding this issue.
Israeli general Brigadier-General Uzi Eilam denies Iran is nuclear threat 10 Jan 2010 A general who was once in charge of Israel’s nuclear weapons has claimed that Iran is a "very, very, very long way from building a nuclear capability". Brigadier-General Uzi Eilam, 75, a war hero and pillar of the defence establishment, believes it will probably take Iran seven years to make nuclear weapons. The views expressed by the former director-general of Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission contradict the assessment of Israel’s defence establishment and put him at odds with political leaders.
3 Palestinians killed by Israeli airstrike on Gaza 10 Jan 2010 Israeli warplanes have attacked the central Gaza Strip, killing three Palestinians in the area. Palestinian medics said the Israeli airstrike killed the three, AFP reported. Muawiya Hassanein, the head of Gaza emergency services, announced that the bodies of the three were taken to a hospital in Deir el-Balah in central Gaza. He added that the eastern part of Gaza was also attacked by Israeli warplanes.
Israel prevented 17 sight-impaired Gazans from leaving for cornea transplant operations on time; a donation of dozens of corneas went down the drain (Physicians for Human Rights-Israel) 09 Jan 2010 The Israeli authorities at Erez checkpoint this week prevented the exit of 17 sight-impaired patients, suffering from various eye diseases, from the Gaza Strip in order to undergo cornea transplants, a treatment that is not available in the Gaza health system. Because of this delay, the medical window of opportunity to perform the transplants for these patients was closed, because corneas can be transplanted only within the shortest time frame (24-48 hours after they are extracted from the donor's body)... PHR-Israel strongly protests the blatant disregard of the Erez checkpoint authorities for the medical urgency of allowing the exit of patients for cornea transplant operations.
Labour 'resigned to losing general election' 11 Jan 2010 The Labour Party is resigned to an election defeat under the stewardship of Gordon Brown, following last week's shambolic coup attempt and yet more damaging revelations about the Prime Minister's leadership style. Senior Labour sources said the party had no confidence it would emerge victorious from a general election campaign, despite widespread expectation among its ranks that the Conservatives could be beaten with a different leader.
'Disorderly' Va. man taken off plane --Two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled from the North American Aerospace Defense Command headquarters in Colorado Springs. 09 Jan 2010 A 47-year-old Virginia man taken off an airplane Friday in Colorado and held in jail over the weekend is expected to appear in federal court in Denver on Monday and be charged with interfering with a flight crew. Muhammad Abu Tahir, of Glen Allen, was reportedly drinking and acting in an unruly manner aboard an AirTran Airways flight from Atlanta to San Francisco. The pilot chose to divert the aircraft to Colorado Springs, where Tahir was removed before the flight resumed. Two F-16 fighter jets were scrambled from the North American Aerospace Defense Command headquarters in Colorado Springs. They remained above Colorado Springs Airport until local law enforcement authorities arrived, Lt. Commander Gary Ross said yesterday.
Slovaks plant explosives on air traveller 06 Jan 2010 Irish police have released a man held over an explosives find, after Slovak authorities admitted planting them in his luggage as part of a security test. The explosives were among eight contraband items placed with passengers at Bratislava and Poprad-Tatry airports last weekend. The man unwittingly brought the material into Dublin when he returned from his Christmas holidays. He was arrested on Tuesday morning, but has since been released without charge. Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern said he was very concerned that Irish police had not been alerted for three days.
Paris airport to try scanners on US-bound flights 08 Jan 2010 Body scanners will be used on an experimental basis at France's busiest airport later this month for flights headed to the United States, the deputy director of transportation at the General Direction for Civil Aviation said Friday. French President Nicolas Sarkozy had ordered this week a study of the possible use of scanners following the failed effort, allegedly by a Nigerian man, to blow up a Detroit-bound plane on Christmas.
Cancer Risks Debated for Type of X-Ray Scan 09 Jan 2010 The plan for broad use of X-ray body scanners to detect bombs or weapons under airline passengers’ clothes has rekindled a debate about the safety of delivering small doses of radiation to millions of people -- a process some experts say is certain to result in a few additional cancer deaths. The scanning machines, called "backscatter scanners," deliver a dose of ionizing radiation equivalent to 1 percent or less of the radiation in a dental X-ray. But collectively, the radiation doses from the scanners incrementally increase the risk of fatal cancers among the thousands or millions of travelers who will be exposed, some radiation experts believe.
Officials Hid Truth About Immigrant Deaths in Jail 10 Jan 2010 Silence has long shrouded the men and women who die in the nation’s immigration jails. For years, they went uncounted and unnamed in the public record. Even in 2008, when The New York Times obtained and published a federal government list of such deaths, few facts were available about who these people were and how they died. But behind the scenes, it is now clear, the deaths had already generated thousands of pages of government documents, including scathing investigative reports that were kept under wraps, and a trail of confidential memos and BlackBerry messages that show officials working to stymie outside inquiry.
McCain strategist: Palin thought candidacy was mapped by God 11 Jan 2010 Sarah Palin believed that Sen. John McCain chose her to be his running mate in the 2008 presidential race because of "God's plan," according to a top political strategist in the Arizona Republican's campaign. In an interview with the CBS news magazine "60 Minutes," Steve Schmidt described Palin as "very calm -- nonplussed" after McCain met with her at his Arizona ranch just before putting her on the Republican ticket. Schmidt, McCain's chief campaign adviser, said he asked Palin about her serenity in the face of becoming "one of the most famous people in the world." He quoted her as saying, "It's God's plan."
G.O.P. Attacks Reid Over Comments 11 Jan 2010 Republicans on Sunday sought to portray racially insensitive remarks attributed to Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, in a new book as similar to comments made in 2002 by Trent Lott, the Republican leader who was forced to step down. Democrats rejected that comparison and continued to close ranks behind Mr. Reid for comments he made suggesting that Barack Obama could become the first African-American president because he was "light-skinned" and because he did not speak with a "Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." They said the circumstances surrounding Mr. Reid and Mr. Lott were not parallel. Republicans, however, pressed the issue, with some even calling for Mr. Reid to step down. [Actually, the GOP itself forced loser Lott to step down. They wanted an even bigger Nazi, Bill Frist, in the role as Senate Majority Leader. Anyway, while carrying phony birth certificates, erecting billboards with nooses, toting AK-47s to town hall meetings and all but *praying* for Obama's assassination, the hypocritical sociopaths aka the GOP, actually *criticize* someone for making racist comments. It truly boggles the mind. --LRP]
Hawaii can't afford Congressional election 09 Jan 2010 Cash-strapped Hawaii can't afford to pay for an election to replace a congressman who is planning to step down next month to run for governor, potentially leaving 600,000 urban Honolulu residents without representation in Washington. Budget cuts have left the state Office of Elections with about $5,000 to last until July, with a special election costing nearly $1 million, interim Chief Elections Officer Scott Nago said. Until the state finds money or this fall's regularly scheduled elections occur, one of Hawaii's two seats in the House of Representatives will remain vacant.
Previous lead stories: And Now a Word from the Netroots: Will the Real Barack Obama Please... Sit Down? --The Rec Report By Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. 09 Jan 2010 As the betrayals by President Barack Obama and the Democrats mount, the Obamapologetics grow more desperate and contradictory by the day... Obama was brought in for one reason and one reason only - to put a better, even subaltern face on imperialism, martial adventurism, and the economic decline of the vast majority. He was brought in for his astounding rhetorical ability - to package war escalation and economic rollbacks and to sell them as peace and reforms. He was brought in so that the Republican boosters could call him a socialist and thereby provide right cover for his government as it handed over the federal treasury in bailouts and war bucks.
Xe, a Blackwater You Can Believe In: Xe Services Aiming for Afghan Police Training Deal --Xe (formerly Blackwater) aims to be part of Obama's Afghanistan strategy 10 Jan 2010 Blackwater Worldwide's legal woes haven't dimmed the company's prospects in Afghanistan, where it's a contender to be a key part of President Barack Obama's strategy for stabilizing destroying the country. Now called Xe Services, the company is in the running for a Pentagon contract potentially worth $1 billion to train Afghanistan's troubled national police force. The expanded role would seem an unlikely one for Xe because Democrats have held such a negative opinion of the company following the Iraqi deaths, which are still reverberating in Baghdad and Washington. During the presidential campaign, then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, now Obama's secretary of state, backed legislation to ban Blackwater and other private security contractors from Iraq. [Obama keeps faith with these mass-murderers, rapists and child-molesters? Xe, a Blackwater you can believe in! --MDR]
'In terms of security we have failed.' Karzai: I don't need foreign forces in Afghanistan 08 Jan 2010 Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai says he does not need anymore 'the favor' of the US-led foreign forces in his war-weary country. "If these forces are coming only to chase the Taliban at the cost of Afghan civilians, of course that's not going to produce any good consequences for us," Karzai said in an interview with al-Jazeera on Friday... The president's remarks come after thousands of Afghan people took to the streets to protest the rising civilian death toll by the US-led forces in the country.
US drone war delivers results, but at what price?
AFP | The reliance on the unmanned, remotely controlled aircraft risks fanning Islamist violence. |
10 reasons you need a pet -- Pets counter loneliness and help you continue to focus on what's going on around you. As the new year unfolds, one of the best resolutions you can make--and keep--is to call your local animal shelter and make arrangements to see if there is a stray dog or cat that you can take into your home. Having a pet helps seniors stay invested in life. Particularly if you live alone, pets counter loneliness and help you continue to focus on what's going on around you. [Slide Show: 10 Reasons Older People Need Pets.] There is no one pet perfect for everyone. Maybe you've always had a thing for songbirds and want to be awakened with a melody each morning (but not one that comes from an alarm clock). Or perhaps it's exotic fish or some other creature you can care for. My son has taken a powerful liking to chinchillas, and he says that if you can locate a social chinchilla, you will have found the perfect pet. The point is to find a pet that is right for you. Although there is no perfect pet, I will promptly alienate millions of pet lovers by saying that a dog is the best choice for many people. Dogs and people develop deep emotional ties, and dogs are great companions. They will literally lay down their lives to protect you. Most ask for little in return except to be where you are and to get an occasional pat or scratch behind the ear. Most people advise older pet owners to consider a smaller dog. Big dogs can be more than a handful. Maybe you can't get out to walk the dog as often as you should. Smaller dogs don't require as much exercise. And when you take the dog for a walk, it's nice to walk it and not be taken for a walk, which can easily happen with a larger dog. Maybe you live in a small home or apartment and don't want a big dog taking over your living space. You may prefer a dog that's not high strung and is calmer around the house. Here's a list of small dogs selected to meet these requirements, drawn from similar lists provided at and Pet Connect: --Cocker spaniel --Chihuahua --Maltese --Pekingese --Pomeranian --Pug --Schnauzer --Shih tzu --Toy poodle --Yorkshire terrier If you haven't already set out for the pet store or shelter, here are 10 reasons to do so: Companionship. Loneliness can become an unwelcome companion as we age and can lead to depression as well as physical problems. Dogs mold their schedule and personality to you. They are never unavailable or off duty. Smaller dogs, in particular, can easily travel. Having a routine. The routine of caring for a pet can bring structure and purpose to daily life. Maybe you don't always want to get out of bed, but your pet wants you to. Isn't that a good thing? Exercise. People benefit from regular physical exercise regardless of their age. But it is hard to get into a regular exercise routine, and it's so very easy to skip it. Having a dog can be a great way to make walking a part of your daily plan. Less stress. Older people with pets tend to exhibit less stress than those without. Maybe it's those regular walks or the sense that you've got a friend to share life's challenges. Or maybe it's that tail wagging you see very day when you wake up. Getting out. Having a pet, particularly one that requires regular outdoor activity, helps you stay connected to life. You go for veterinary checkups, and perhaps you visit a dog groomer. You need to be involved in social activities. Making new friends. There are lots of shared activities for pet owners, ranging from communal walks to charitable events and other organizations that cater to animals and protecting the environment. It can be hard to meet new people, but pets are great icebreakers. New interests. A pet can expose you to new interests and activities. Maybe it's cleaning up the neighborhood park where you walk your dog. Some hospitals seek pet owners who will volunteer to bring in their pets to spend time with patients. Protection. A dog can provide significant security. Potential thieves will stay away from a home with a barking dog. Your watchdog may weigh only 8 pounds soaking wet, but the person on the other side of the door doesn't know that. Taking care of something. Sure, you need your pet. Your pet needs you, too. The need to be useful and of value doesn't magically disappear when your career ends or your kids grow up and build their own independent lives. It is very satisfying to take care of another living creature. Investing in life. At the end of the day, having a pet means that you have made a promise to continue being involved in another life. This commitment is one of the most positive decisions you can make as you get older. |
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database They're here: incredible UFO and Mother-ship footage from China Michael Cohen Astonishing UFO footage (seen below) has emerged out of China's UFO hot-spot, Jinxian County. The footage appears to show what is being labelled a scout UFO hovering in the vicinity of a shimmering mother-ship type UFO. The two shocked witnesses to this possible UFO or extraterrestrial event dropped their recording device during the filming in their surprise. The event took place in the last month over a rural area. The footage has been hailed as one of the best recent captures of a UFO event. Chinese researchers are examining the footage and have noted that this is further proof that extraterrestrials, who might have a secret base in the area, are up to something in Jinxian and 'are here'. |
Hwacheon, South Korea
Today in History Monday January 11, 2010
| | Today's Featured Stories - January 11, 2010
Full-body scanners used on air passengers may damage human DNA (NaturalNews) In researching the biological effects of the millimeter wave scanners used for whole body imaging at airports, NaturalNews has learned that the energy emitted by the machines may damage human DNA. Millimeter wave machines... |
New study: omega-3s may treat schizophrenia, ADD, Huntington’s and other nervous system diseases (NaturalNews) Research just published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience provides evidence that adequate omega-3 fatty acids are needed for healthy nervous systems. That could explain why low levels of omega-3s are associated with the information... |
The Data Behind the New Mammogram Recommendations - Explained (NaturalNews) Several years ago, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (PSTF) issued an updated set of recommendations about mammogram screenings, suggesting which and how often women should get them. Since the last time the group issued its recommendations... |
Got Gout: Try These Natural Therapies Gout is one of over one hundred forms of arthritis. Fortunately it is highly treatable. In recent years natural remedies for gout have become very popular. The primarily reason for this is that most gout medications have severe side effects... |
Compact Fluorescent Lights May Harm Health (NaturalNews) Exposure to compact fluorescent light bulbs may be dangerous to many people's health, a number of consumer advocacy groups have warned the British government. Under a 2007 agreement, European Union nations recently began to phase out... |
Keep the Kidneys Strong All Winter Long with Traditional Chinese Medicine According to traditional Chinese medicine, when the seasons change different organs become vulnerable as our bodies shift to keep balanced. In winter, the water element predominates which corresponds to our kidneys and bladder. There are... |
Blend Coconut Nutrition into Your Smoothies As cow's milk becomes more and more processed throughout the years, many people find that they are lactose-intolerant or allergic to milk. Coconut milk is a nutritious and delicious substitute for cow's milk. Complementing the flavors of... |
Hypnosis Benefits Migraines A migraine is a debilitating form of a headache. Many people suffer from migraines. Various triggers can produce the onset of a migraine. However, reducing the likelihood of a migraine occurring and getting rid of one once it occurs, can... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Pressure builds against mountaintop coal mining
- Childhood cancer survivors have 10 times greater risk of heart disease (because chemo damages the heart!)
- Legalizing and taxing marijuana could save California from bankruptcy
- Pediatrician molested more than 100 children while state medical board did nothing
- Feces and body fluids detected on NEW clothes bought in stores
- Join the Facebook group: Stop Airport Strip Searches!
- As swine flu hoax fizzles out, governments begin offloading millions of useless vaccines
- Corruption alert: Leading economist was taking money from HHS while pushing health reform bill
- Non-profit group sues U.S. government over TSA's "digital strip search" scanners
- Man slips through HHS building security by posing as Secret Service agent
- Patient dies in waiting room at NYC hospital after waiting 24 hours with a blood clot
- Baby boomers still love to get high, now using prescription meds
See all Top Headlines...
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