It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Thursday morning - January 14, 2010 |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
US quake victims evacuated to Guantanamo 14 Jan 2010 Four members of the American embassy staff in Haiti have been evacuated to the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, officials said. They are receiving medical treatment for critical injuries, officials said. The base houses the controversial US military prison for terrorism suspects, but the US military says it may also be used to help with relief efforts in Haiti. 150 U.N. staff members remain trapped under rubble in Haiti 14 Jan 2010 The United Nations appears to have suffered its greatest loss of life in a single incident as about 150 of its employees in Haiti, including the mission's leader, remained trapped Wednesday under the rubble of their headquarters and other U.N. facilities after Tuesday's massive earthquake. Haiti earthquake: race to provide aid as 100,000 feared dead 14 Jan 2010 Fears are growing for thousands of people who survived the earthquake that flattened most of the Haitian capital but are now without food, clean water and proper medical care. The US is planning a massive military response to the disaster, saying that ships, helicopters, transport planes and a 2,000-member Marine unit are either on the way or likely to begin moving soon. But their arrival may be too late for thousands of Port-au-Prince residents. Israel sends field hospital to Haiti; more than 100,000 feared dead 14 Jan 2010 Haitians piled bodies along the streets of their capital Wednesday after the strongest earthquake to hit the poor Caribbean nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from schools and shacks to the National Palace and the United Nations peacekeeping headquarters. Untold numbers were still trapped... The Israeli Foreign Ministry has prepared a rescue team for departure to the disaster-stricken country, including an elite army corps engineers and a field hospital to assist the casualties. Agencies help quake rescue effort 13 Jan 2010 Emergency crews, charities and the UK government are co-ordinating efforts to help with the rescue operation in Haiti after it was hit by an earthquake. The 7.0-magnitude quake that hit south of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince is feared to have killed thousands of people across the Caribbean country. Tens of thousands feared dead after Haiti earthquake 14 Jan 2010 Haitian leaders estimated Wednesday that tens of thousands of people have died in the aftermath of the earthquake that throttled this impoverished Caribbean nation, as the United States and other countries mobilized a vast rescue and relief effort to assist the legion of desperate survivors. --Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund Abortion Practitioner to Haiti: “Stew in Your Own Juices” for Having High Population
Life News | Joyce Tarnow told the New Times newspaper in 2004 that Haiti, and third-world nations like it with high populations, “has denuded the whole land.” “We need to help nations that can subsist and let others wither on the vine,” she said. Is her wish now coming true? |
Activision Blizzard Inc. said sales of its blockbuster Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have exceeded $1 billion worldwide since it launched Nov. 10.
Fast Food, Fast Capitalism, Fast Politics
Fast capitalism also includes the military and intelligence industry whose production is destruction, detention, political intervention, and ultimately the illegitimate appropriation of geo-political assets. The crisis of capitalism - fast capitalism - and not the mostly empty threat of terrorism - accounts for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and soon possibly, Yemen. Diminishing returns on capital and fast capitalism's need to acquire assets using tax payer money and thus at low investor cost leads to wars. This is capitalism's natural tendency toward imperialism. Likewise, instead of ending, these wars have been intensified and extended under a new administration, regardless of fast promises.
Doomsday clock to be moved by world's top scientists tomorrow
U.S. ECONOMIC CRISIS U.S. Trade Deficit Grows as Imports Climb
WALL STREET JOURNAL | The U.S. trade deficit widened in November, as rising imports to the U.S. outstripped export gains. Reuters | Experts say curb US debt or suffer a dollar crisis Sovereign Default Risks Loom |
SEC Engages in Conspiracy with AIG to Hide Bailout Evidence
Kurt Nimmo | Securities and Exchange Commission helps AIG hide its criminal behavior from the American people.
ASIA IMPORTANT PIECE OF HISTORY that makes you scratch your head when you hear about China's missile testing a threat to the U.S. - when Obama and Clinton made the missile technology available to the Chinese in October, 2009: On October 15, 2009 two events took place:
China reaffirms its missile interception test defensiveXinhua BEIJING, (Xinhua) -- China's missile interception test Monday accorded with its defensive military strategy, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang ... US to provide arms to help Taiwan fend off possible China attackThe Guardian - 4 hours ago AP China-Taiwan relations had been improving since the election of Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou in March 2008. US says it will continue arms sales to TaiwaneTaiwan News AP US military officials are vowing to provide Taiwan with weapons despite China's warning that such sales are meddling and could lead to conflict. ... US officials wary of Chinese military buildup U.S. official questions China space intentions Clinton Tries to Defuse Asian TensionAsia has emerged as a diplomatic hornet’s nest for the U.S. even beyond the perennial threat of North Korea, with strains in Japan and China. U.S. faces long odds in improved relations with Asia "Asians are linking themselves not with military pacts but with trade" Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates cancel trips to Australia Clinton accepts delay over baseU.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the Obama administration feels assured of Japan's commitment to the bilateral security alliance, even as Tokyo weighs abandoning the 2006 deal on relocating the U.S. Futenma military base. |
Trial HIV Vaccine Leaves 46 Infected in Zambia
All Africa | A failed clinical trial HIV vaccine that left 46 Zambian women infected with the virus has sparked controversy.
Blackwater set for a daring comeback
Press TV | An up-for-grabs State Department deal could help the infamous US ’security’ contractor Blackwater stage a comeback as a leading security firm. |
‘US wants to turn Yemen into another Afghanistan’
The Siasat Daily | Mottaki said the United States invaded Afghanistan eight years ago under the pretext of fighting extremism and drug production in the war-torn country.
New Saudi air raids claim more civilians in Yemen
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* Video from earthquake
* Haitian News Source
* Earthquake leaves Haiti more dangerous than a war zone -- Gravely injured Haitians pleaded for help Wednesday after the strongest earthquake to hit the poor Caribbean nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from humble shacks to the National Palace and the headquarters of U.N. peacekeepers.
* How to help victims of the earthquake -- List of Disaster relief and non-governmental organizations.
* Haiti quake was a disaster waiting to happen -- A massive earthquake devastated Haiti Tuesday, but scientists warned of such an event back in 2008.
VIDEO: Air Force Bugbots -- This is totally unacceptable!!
If government won't break up the giant banks let's do it ourselves -- The only reason that smaller banks haven't been able to expand and thrive is that the too-big-to-fails have decreased competition.
Foreclosures may rise to record 3 million this year -- A record 3 million U.S. homes will be repossessed by lenders this year as high unemployment and depressed home values leave borrowers unable to make their house payment or sell, according to a RealtyTrac Inc. forecast.
Lawsuit accuses bank of seizing wrong house -- West End property owner is suing Bank of America Corp., asserting its agents mistakenly seized a vacation house he owns free and clear, then changed the locks and shut the power off, resulting in the smelly spoiling of about 75 pounds of salmon and halibut from an Alaska fishing trip and other damages.
6.4 unemployed workers for each available job -- There were nearly 6.4 unemployed workers, on average, for each available job at the end of November, according to Labor Department data released Tuesday. That's up from 6.1 in October and a record high. There were 1.7 jobless people for each opening in December 2007, when the recession began.
Sample of Nestlé Cookie Dough Has E. Coli Bacteria -- Nestlé USA said Wednesday that two samples of its Toll House refrigerated cookie dough made at a Virginia factory tested positive for E. coli bacteria this week despite rigorous safety measures put in place after a recall of the product last summer. Samples of Nestlé's Toll House refrigerated cookie dough made in a Virginia factory have tested positive for E. coli bacteria. Nestlé also said the tainted dough had not left the factory and no recall was necessary.
The cashless society -- According to the Telegraph there is the distinct possibility that the ‘cashless society’ may be just around the corner
US farmers plant fewest wheat acres since 1913 -- The Agriculture Department reported Tuesday that the total acres of winter wheat for 2010 is 37.1 million acres, down 14 percent nationwide from last year. The agency blames poor weather, low prices and the late row crop harvest for the decrease.
Obama wants record $708 billion for wars next year -- President Barack Obama will ask Congress for an additional $33 billion to fight unpopular wars in Afghanistan and Iraq on top of a record $708 billion for the Defense Department next year.
Army charges mom who refused deployment -- The Army said Wednesday it has filed criminal charges against a single-mom soldier who refused to deploy to Afghanistan last year, arguing she had no family able to care for her infant son.
Homeland Security's "virtual fence" on border is loaded with glitches (are you surprised? Probably not) -- From 2006 through July 2009, Customs and Border Protection paid Boeing Co. $1.1 billion to create and build a border-long network of camera, sensor and radar towers, the Government Accountability Office reported in September. To date, only a flawed test system in Arizona is being used by the Border Patrol.
A dangerous spin on artificial sweetener -- Cancer Prevention Coalition Chairman Dr. Samuel S. Epstein warns that, based on scientific evidence published in peer-reviewed journals and presented to the U.S. Congress, aspartame is both toxic and carcinogenic. The coalition is calling upon the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban all dietary uses of aspartame.
Freeze kills southwest Florida vegetable crops -- More than a week of frigid overnight temperatures has devastated crops in south Florida, which is the primary source of fresh vegetables in the United States during the winter months, industry representatives said Tuesday.
El Paso police will carry M4 semi auto rifles -- On Tuesday, the Police Department got approval to buy 1,145 M4s, otherwise known as an AR 15 semi-automatic rifle.
Low level radioactive water found near N. Carolina nuclear plant -- Nuclear safety regulators said today that Progress Energy's Shearon Harris nuclear plant in Wake County leaked about 1,000 gallons of water contaminated with tritium, a low-level source of radiation.
Tolled then sold? Lawmakers unveil plan for the Illiana Expressway -- State lawmakers in Indiana are calling for the proposed Illiana Expressway to be built as a toll road and leased to private investors. Current law prohibits tolling or privatization of the roadway.
Walmart taking over the US and world by stealth -- The company has embraced something of a "stealth" approach to growth. Its stores are emblazoned with an array of different names around the world – Maxibodega in Costa Rica, Todo Dia in Brazil, Despensa Familiar in Honduras and the awkward-sounding Best Price Modern Wholesale in India.
MRSA superbug found on public beaches -- Public beaches may provide a home for and mechanism for the spread of the superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Washington and presented to the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Marcelo's DNA culture results -- by Cliff Carnicom
* Morgellon's: an environmental source
Organic farmers must embrace GM crops if we are to feed the world says scientist -- The organic movement should overcome its hostility to genetically modified crops and embrace the contribution that they can make to sustainable farming, one of the world’s leading agricultural scientists has told The Times.
Navy wants soldiers wearing brain scanners into war -- The Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is requesting proposals for a brain-scanning system that can assess a myriad of neuro-cognitive abilities, including reaction times, problem solving and memory recall.
NY police destroy counterfeit clothes rather than give them to the homeless -- the NY Police have admitted to shredding and burning the counterfeit clothes they've confiscated, rather than giving them to the homeless, as had always been done in the past.
Doctors need to become healers (part 2) -- It is a proven fact that the conventional medical drug approach, which treats symptoms and not causes, is unable to solve the problem of ill health in America.
* Part 3
New Hampshire poised for landmark homeschool vote -- The New Hampshire House of Representatives is scheduled to consider next week an amendment to House Bill 368, which critics say would make New Hampshire’s homeschool law the most restrictive and burdensome in the nation. (what happened to "live free or die")
Geoengineering conference to discuss blocking the sun -- As hundreds of people die worldwide as a result of record low temperatures in the midst of a savage winter, scientists are preparing for a conference in which they will discuss measures to use geoengineering to block out the sun.
What do you do with a dead nuclear reactor? -- On July 23, 1976, Pacific Gas & Electric’s Humboldt Bay nuclear reactor in northern California shut down for refueling — and has not reopened since. The plant is located in an earthquake zone and regulators closed it down due to fear of possible ground movement. Now the facility is a leading candidate to become the largest light-water commercial reactor in the nation ever to be decommissioned
PIRATES Pirate attacks up sharply in 2009 “As of Dec 31, suspected Somali pirates held 12 vessels for ransom with 263 crew-members of various nationalities as hostages,” the report said. Global pirate attacks at six-year high Times of India World Powers Not Interested in Combating Pirates - a cover for military exercises “That is only a cover for the public. They have the weapons to wipe the pirates from the face of the earth, and most of the limitations are of a legal nature” said Tabak. He says that the recent American and French attacks on pirates cannot solve anything. “They kill three pirates and open the way for another thirty. Somalia is the blackest hole without a doubt” said Tabak. He considers that serious operations against the pirates will occur only when the insurance premiums go up. “When piracy raises the insurance premiums and when it seriously starts to get in the way, then it will be combated, and that will occur very fast” concluded the military analyst. READ MORE Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) - Fighting pirates could be one of its first missions MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - People got a first hand look at a littoral combat ship built in Mobile at Austal USA Wednesday morning. The USS Independence is the second of 55 planned Littoral Combat Ships to come. |
Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked to Organ Failure, Study Reveals
Monsanto is trying to take over the world
Monsanto's genetic modification program has reached 95 percent of domestic soybean crops and 80 percent of domestic corn crops. It has plans in the works to insert its patented genes into wheat crops as well, given U.S. farmers agree to use them this time around. These percentages are likely even higher when considering the natural and unintended spread of pollen and seeds from these genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) into conventional or organic fields.
According to Neil Harl, an agricultural economist from Iowa State University, Monsanto now has patented control over 90 percent of seeds and seed genetics, a chilling notion that has far-reaching consequences. Since the company regularly buys up independent seed companies, its competition is dwindling and the prices for its patented seeds continue to rise. READ MORE
Bee Die Off-Bayer and Monsanto connection
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Lincoln, Neb. A Nebraska children's advocacy group says the economic well-being of all children in the state remains an issue. Voices for Children in NebraskaNebraska Groundwater Levels Are Rising |
POLICE STATE USA The ability to peer deep into cellular phones and other mobile devices soon will become part of the Boone County Sheriff’s Department investigatory arsenal. O’Reilly demands ‘deranged’ Bush heckler be arrested
Aaron Dykes | In his classic defamation segment, ‘Patriots & Pinheads’, Bill O’Reilly condemned the man who confronted former President George H.W. Bush at a Houston restaurant and demanded he be ‘held accountable’ for his speech by being arrested. Update: Video of Secret Service Visit to Man Who Confronted Bush Senior | What happens when you confront an ex-president and former head of the CIA? SWAT officer says Posse Comitatus makes U.S. vulnerable to terror
Police One | An attack by international terrorists on our soil is an act of war. Our military is prepared to act on such an attack, but unfortunately due to Posse Comitatus, their response will be slow, and too late.
Massachusetts cops can arrest you for making them famous
Raw Story | If you plan to videotape police officers at work in public, just be sure you’re not in Massachusetts — or you might end up in jail. Meet Mikey, 8: U.S. Has Him on Watch List 14 Jan 2010 Michael Winston Hicks’s mother initially sensed trouble when he was a baby and she could not get a seat for him on their flight to Florida at an airport kiosk; airline officials explained that his name "was on the list," she recalled. The first time he was patted down, at Newark Liberty International Airport, Mikey was 2. He cried. After years of long delays and waits for supervisors at every airport ticket counter, this year’s vacation to the Bahamas badly shook up the family. Mikey was frisked on the way there, then more aggressively on the way home. "Up your arms, down your arms, up your crotch -- someone is patting your 8-year-old down like he’s a criminal," Mrs. Hicks recounted. [Sounds like a job for Detectives Munch and Stabler. Get Law & Order: SVU on the case. --LRP] Boston's Logan Airport unveils anti-terrorism robot 13 Jan 2010 (MA) A robot that can help detect and disarm explosives is now in service at Logan International Airport. The robot unveiled on Tuesday was developed by Black-I Robotics, a Tyngsborough company. The robot will be used to prevent potential terrorist attacks at the airport. It was funded by congressional appropriations in the 2008 and 2010 'defense' budgets. |
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
THERE IS WISDOM IN READING THE ENTIRE ARTICLE TO GAIN PERCEPTION OF WHEN THE SHTF (THINK HAITI): Course of Action (COA) Analysis of Common Survival Strategies - by James Wesley, Rawles (from READ MORE .... Nine meals from anarchy... What the coming food collapse means for civilization |
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ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: The Moon is about to pass directly in front of the sun, producing an annular solar eclipse on Jan. 15th between 0500 and 0900 UT. Onlookers in Africa, the Middle East, India and Asia should be alert for crescent-shaped shadows and "ring of fire" suns. LINK: ANIMATED MAP |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 14, 2010 AT 7:07 AM CDT Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: JANUARY 13, 2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind Solar Update - Sunspot 1040 is a sprawing sunspot group. This region has produced several low level B-Class flares and there will remain a chance for C-Class events and perhaps a slight chance for an M-Class flare. There has not yet been an M-Class flare in Cycle 24. The solar flux reached a daily max of 95.4 on Tuesday and ended with an average of 93 which is yet another new record for Cycle 24. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Thu Jan 14 13:00:06 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
The Inner Workings of A One World, New Age Government: Alex Interviews George Hunt | Whistleblower George Hunt talks with Alex about the plan by Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong to create world government under the guise of phony environmentalism. Could we be in for 30 years of global cooling?
Mail Online | The world has entered a ‘cold mode’ which is likely to bring a global dip in temperatures which will last for 20 to 30 years. Carbon traders charged in fraud case
Reuters | Three Britons and a Dutchman have been charged by Belgian authorities with money laundering in an investigation into fraudulent trading in carbon emissions permits, Belgian prosecutors said on Monday. | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Today in History Thursday January 14, 2010 1639 - Connecticut's first constitution, the "Fundamental Orders," was adopted. 1784 - The United States ratified a peace treaty with England ending the Revolutionary War. 1873 - John Hyatt's 1869 invention ‘Celluloid’ was registered as a trademark. 1878 - Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the telephone for Britain's Queen Victoria. 1882 - The Myopia Hunt Club, in Winchester, MA, became the first country club in the United States. 1943 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first U.S. President to fly in an airplane while in office. He flew from Miami, FL, to French Morocco where he met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to discuss World War II. 1954 - The Hudson Motor Car Company merged with Nash-Kelvinator. The new company was called the American Motors Corporation. 1963 - George C. Wallace was sworn in as governor of Alabama. 1969 - An explosion aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier Enterprise off Hawaii killed 25 crew members. 1994 - U.S. President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed Kremlin accords to stop aiming missiles at any nation and to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Ukraine. 1998 - Whitewater prosecutors questioned Hillary Rodham Clinton at the White House for 10 minutes about the gathering of FBI background files on past Republican political appointees. 1998 - In Dallas, researchers report an enzyme that slows the aging process and cell death. 1999 - The impeachment trial of U.S. President Clinton began in Washington, DC. 1999 - The U.S. proposed the lifting of the U.N. ceilings on the sale of oil in Iraq. The restriction being that the money be used to buy medicine and food for the Iraqi people. 2000 - The Dow Jones industrial average hit a new high when it closed at 11,722.98. Earlier in the session, the Dow had risen to 11,750.98. Both records stood until October 3, 2006. 2004 - In St. Louis, a Lewis and Clark Exhibition opened at the Missouri History Museum. The exhibit featured 500 rare and priceless objects used by the Corps of Discover | | Today's Featured Stories - January 14, 2010
NaturalNews, CWC pledge $5000 in financial aid to Haiti earthquake victims (NaturalNews) As the editor of NaturalNews, I was heartbroken to learn of the devastation caused by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti two nights ago. News of the terrible loss of life was slow to circulate due to the near-complete destruction... |
Alcohol Sharply Reduces Risk of Heart Disease in Men (NaturalNews) A Spanish study on alcohol consumption revealed that men who consume large amounts of alcohol cut their risk of heart disease by more than a third. At the same time, excessive alcohol consumption, which is responsible for 1.8 million deaths... |
MRSA Superbug Found on Public Beaches (NaturalNews) Public beaches may provide a home for and mechanism for the spread of the superbug methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Washington and presented to the Interscience... |
Use Chinese Herbal Medicine to Create Harmony and Health Chinese herbal medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine with the earliest known written herbal formulas dating back to the 3rd century BC. Prior to being written down, herbal remedies were passed down by word of mouth and may date... |
Upside-Down Tree Now Available to European Citizens as Regulators Clear Baobab Fruit A cherished African food has been cleared for sale in the European Union, as the central regulators decided to remove the restriction on the sale of baobab fruit. Although it may seem illogical that the importing and sale of a healthy fruit... |
Doctors Need to Become Healers, Part III (Opinion) In keeping with the reality that medical doctors do not heal, you must not lose sight of another important reality. Modern medical therapeutic methods are based, erroneously, on Pasteur's fallacious conclusion that disease is caused by bacteria... |
25 ways to improve your health and happiness in 2010 (NaturalNews) The New Year is upon us, and for many people, it includes a New Year's resolution for achieving improved health and happiness in 2010. Here are twenty-five health-enhancing ideas to help you accomplish that goal. #1 - Replace sodas or... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Donate now to the Haiti rescue mission
- Nine meals from anarchy... What the coming food collapse means for civilization
- Think eating "organic" meat is okay? Think again: Shocking investigation...
- Corporations now trying to demand their own 1st Amendment "free speech" rights to sway elections
- California votes to end prohibition on marijuana; regulate it like alcohol
- With the swine flu scam now over, the WHO says it will "review" what went wrong
- Smoke flavoring may be toxic to humans
- Every year, 25 percent of Americans get sick from eating food
- CSPI calling for outright censorship of "structure and function" claims for nutritional supplements
- U.S. won't need 250 million doses of swine flu vaccine it ordered from five companies
- Amish exempt from health insurance mandate - "religious conscious" exemption
- America infects the world with its false beliefs about mental illness
See all Top Headlines...
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