It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Tuesday Evening - January 12, 2010 | |||||||||
The poorest country in the Western hemisphere got hit with a very large 7.0 magnitude earthquake ... downgraded from 7.3. When you throw in that the earthquake scale got dropped down a year or so ago ... think an actual 8.0 magnitude. As if those people do not have enough hardship. I recently posted articles regarding their starvation state - actually eating mud. Send prayers ... and also pray perhaps the world will awaken now to their plight. Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Hits Haiti, Causing Buildings to Fall BusinessWeek - - 17 minutes ago Earthquake 'destroys presidential palace' Times Online - 14 minutes ago A major earthquake hit the impoverished country of Haiti today, destroying buildings including the presidential palace and a hospital in the capital ... Powerful Earthquake Rocks Haiti New York Times - - 34 minutes ago A powerful earthquake of 7.0 magnitude rocked Haiti just before 5 pm Eastern time, 10 miles southwest from the highly populated capital of ... Video: 7.0 Quake Hits Impoverished Haiti, Hospital Collapses Strong Earthquake Hits Haiti Wall Street Journal A sign of empire pathology: More US soldiers commit suicide than killed in action
Finian Cunningham | What is even more disturbing is that the official figures only count victims of suicide among serving personnel. Not included are the many more veterans — officially classed a civilians — who take their own lives. Make sure you take time to read Hawk's statement in the Steve Quayle section of this News Update regarding the new Executive Order signed yesterday and its match up to the ten FEMA regions. Or, go directly to the following link for a current Hawk update: | |||||||||
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox
Darrell Issa On AIG: “The American People Deserve Somebody’s Head On A Platter”
Zero Hedge | “If not Tim Geithner then who?”
It could take until November 2018 to get the full story behind the U.S. bailout of insurance giant American International Group (AIG.N) because of an action taken last year by the Securities and Exchange Commission. |
US Will Hit 94% Debt to GDP Ratio Next Year, Surpassing the Level Where Debt Starts Reducing Economic Growth
Federal Reserve makes record $52.1bn profit
BBC | The Federal Reserve made a profit of $52.1bn (£32.2bn) in 2009, a rise of 47% over the previous year. |
Mexican Babies and Young Children 'sold to order' to US nationals
The US state department estimates that more than 20,000 young women and children are trafficked across the border from Mexico each year. But conviction rates remain low.
Drug Lord tied to Tijuana beheadings caught
PAKISTAN Close ties between China and Pakistan RELATED: With Defense Test, China Shows Displeasure of USNew York Times BEIJING - China said late Monday that it had successfully tested the nation's first land-based missile defense system, announcing the news in a brief dispatch by Xinhua, the official news agency. China Says Missile Interception Test Successful Voice of America PAST TIME AMERICANS WAKE UP TO THE ACTUAL WAY MANY ON THE GLOBE VIEW OUR NATION 'War on Terror' - our nation is the terrorist American/Israeli/Indian/Iranian/British hands are all extremely dirty after taking a walk on Dick Cheney’s “dark side” in Pakistan and they owe a heavy penalty to both Pakistan and Afghanistan for what they have done there. It is high time to drag all the spooks out of their closets and air their dirty linen to the world. Only such a complete CIA housecleaning as this will redeem the United States of America in the eyes of the world. Anything less would do no good at all, and would also be a grave insult to those who have fallen in our poisonous shadow. |
Blackwater/Xe mercs arrive in Somalia, Al-Shabab says
Press TV | At least 18 people have been killed in clashes between rival factions in southern and central Somalia, and there are reports that Blackwater/Xe mercenaries have entered the country.
Blackwater set for a daring comeback
Press TV | An up-for-grabs State Department deal could help the infamous US ’security’ contractor Blackwater stage a comeback as a leading security firm.
Turkey and Russia on way to ‘strategic partnership’
Hürriyet Daily News | Turkey and Russia will set up a high-level strategic cooperation working group Wednesday when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pays a working visit to Moscow. Turkey demands apology from Israel over envoy 'slight'BBC News - 2 hours ago Turkey has demanded that Israel apologise over what it called the "discourteous" way its ambassador was treated during a diplomatic meeting. Israel-Turkey tensions high over TV series CNN International |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams What Happened to Speling, Grammer and Geografie? School systems today are deficient in teaching kids the basics. Geography, grammar and spelling have been left behind. Sure match and science are important, but do we want a generation of kids that thinks Nebraska is in Europe?
USDA: Nebraska set corn, soybean records in 2009 | |||||
Obama’s TSA Nominee Targets Anti-Government Christians
Paul Joseph Watson | Former FBI agent Southers says government should pay attention to political Americans.
‘Plastics-Jesus’ heir David de Rothschild bears skull & bones belt | Are the elite mocking us with symbols of their dominance, as they pose as the saviors of humanity? |
Things Fall Apart of the Eurozone | January 12, 2010 Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve asked a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed without the largest government bailout in U.S. history. No Seat for Wall Street at Tea Could all those populist pitchforks currently pointed at Washington be turned toward Wall Street instead? That’s the question that ought to worry Wall Street executives as they prepare to pay themselves nice bonuses this month, hard on the heels of a government bailout of the financial system, and amid continuing job losses around the rest of the country. Financial firms know they’re in for heat on bonuses; they’ve already been chastised on national TV by President Barack Obama’s chief economist. Big Government, Big Business — Conjoined David Corn, writing in Mother Jones, takes issue with the popular sentiment: For many decades, Americans have held negative attitudes toward the titans of industry. … But Americans also don’t fancy the counterbalance to corporate power: government. Since 1965, Gallup has asked survey respondents to choose the biggest future threat to the country: big business, big labor, or big government. Big government always wins — by a lot. Osama: 10. The US: 0.To better understand why Osama bin Laden is so far winning his struggle to oust the western powers from the Muslim world, let us go back to 1986, when I was covering the anti-Soviet war in then almost unknown Afghanistan. Creatures from the Conservative IdShall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you. ~ Captain Jean-Luc Picard confronts Armus, Dick Cheney’s sci-fi soul mate. IT IS A MADHOUSE OUT THEREBy Chuck Baldwin If we were really serious about making airline travel safer, we would immediately cease and desist from this incessant infatuation with meddling into the internal affairs of foreign countries. THE EMOTION OF TYRANNY AND THE WISDOM OF JEFFERSONWe have recently heard the statement “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste… an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” (Rahm Emanuel in a Wall Street Journal interview) FOREBODINGS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDERWhile sitting for a Christmas Eve photo-taking session expressly designed to magically deliver our Christmas in Canada to my adoptive parents in Italy, I could see within the “rushes,” so to speak, that our early attempts at a celebratory impression were failing. Swine flu: “They Organized the Panic”. Inquiry into the Role of Big Pharma and WHO by Council of EuropeNew Development: The German President of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe, Wolfgang Wodarg, is issuing accusations against the pharmaceutical lobbies and the governments. He has intitiated the start of an investigation by that body concerning the role played by the pharmaceutical in the campaign of panic about the virus. Devaluation Sparks Chaos in CaracasCARACAS — President Hugo Chávez’s decision to devalue Venezuela’s bolivar and impose a complicated new currency regime may paper over some growing cracks in the economy, but it is also setting the stage for bigger problems down the road for the country’s oil-rich nation and its populist leader. “greed, stupidity, hubris and outright corruption”The Other Plot to Wreck America THERE may not be a person in America without a strong opinion about what coulda, shoulda been done to prevent the underwear bomber from boarding that Christmas flight to Detroit. In the years since 9/11, we’ve all become counterterrorists. But in the 16 months since that other calamity in downtown New York — the crash precipitated by the 9/15 failure of Lehman Brothers — most of us are still ignorant about what Warren Buffett called the “financial weapons of mass destruction” that wrecked our economy. Fluent as we are in Al Qaeda and body scanners, when it comes to synthetic C.D.O.’s and credit-default swaps, not so much. Survivor, America: “It’s Only Going to Get Worse,” Gerald Celente Says January 11th, 2010 “It’s only going to get worse,” is the sobering forecast of Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute. |
IRS commissioner finds tax code 'complex'; Doesn't file his own returns...
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
We are looking for individuals who would like to join us in sharing information on how to live self-reliant lifestyles independent from government programs, to barter, and find alternative forms of communication & energy. To Join, contact your states prepper network moderator or email me at |
George Ure: Urban "What pushes currency valuations around? Surety of return and safety (which is why folks in the Middle East are looking at a currency basket instead of solely US dollars. It's why gold is shining and it's why the Euro looks like a decent bet even though America was once the world's undisputed economic juggernaut. The 1990's were the new Roaring Twenties.
Considers this: If you were betting trying to pick an economic Winner, even as a patriot American just assessing relative strength and growth potential, who would you vote on to become the most successful fro0m today forward in economic growth?
Call me a damn fool but it's not a difficult pick so far as my money's concerned. A big swig of coffee please, to get that bitter pill down. America can still win. But to do so requires leadership and so far in Washington "No Change" is the answer loud & clear." | ||
Obama received $20 million from healthcare industry in 2008 campaign
Raw Story | While some sunlight has been shed on the hefty sums shoveled into congressional campaign coffers in an effort to influence the Democrats’ massive healthcare bill, little attention has been focused on the far larger sums received by President Barack Obama.
The Real Obama: Sticking it to the Working Stiffs Looking at both the proposal to tax better health plans, and the proposal to tax the big banks, the real ugly pro-business, pro-rich nature of President Obama is clearly exposed. |
The Top 10 Quotes From Barack Obama in 2009
When Barack Obama was on the campaign trail, he promised Americans hope, change, and unity. Whatever else may be said about the man, you at least have to give him credit for delivering on all counts.
After all, as the year has progressed, more and more Americans have united against his agenda. As for the change, well, just look at the unemployment rate, the economy, and the national debt. We've seen quite a bit of change in those areas under Obama's watch.
So, since we're in the midst of such a historic presidency, it behooves us to actually catalogue some of the more notable utterances of our esteemed President in 2009. Enjoy!
10) No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something. -- Barack Obama
9) I mean, if you think about -- if you think about it, UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? No, they are. It's the Post Office that's always having problems. -- Barack Obama makes the case for socialized medicine in a rather odd fashion
8) Before a crowd of troops holding cameras and cell phones, the president joked, "you guys make a pretty good photo op." -- Political Punch
7) I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story. -- Barack Obama distorts America's history in Egypt
6) I won. -- Barack Obama to Republicans in Congress who were trying to discuss the stimulus plan with him
5) NBC: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — can you understand why it is offensive to some for this terrorist to get all the legal privileges of any American citizen?Obama: I don't think it will be offensive at all when when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him.
4) Our friends have fought and bled and died alongside us in Afghanistan. And now, we must come together to end this war successfully. For what's at stake is not simply a test of NATO's credibility -- what's at stake is the security of our allies, and the common security of the world.But taken together, these additional American and international troops will allow us to accelerate handing over responsibility to Afghan forces, and allow us to begin the transfer of our forces out of Afghanistan in July of 2011. -- Barack Obama announces the "common security of the world" of the world is at stake in Afghanistan and then sets a timeline for withdrawal a sentence later.
3) Oprah: What grade would you give yourself, for this year?Obama: Um, good solid B+
...Oprah: So B+, what could you have done better?
Obama: Well B+ because of the things that are undone. Health care is not yet signed. If I get health care passed we tip into A minus.
2) But I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking. -- Barack Obama
1) The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. . . . What I think we know — separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in their country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that’s just a fact. -- Barack Obama on the arrest of his friend, Henry Louis Gates.
AMERICANS ARE DUMBED DOWN NEWS People sign petition to "increase inflation to 100%" for next 5 years to cause hyperinflation. |
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 12, 2010 AT 6PM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind C-Flare - At 13:20 UTC a small C1.1 solar flare took place. Solar Update - Sunspot 1040 remains a fairly large sunspot group and there remains slight chance for an M-Class flare. The Solar X-Ray Flux background levels are in the B-Class territory and holding steady. The solar flux reached a daily max of 95.4 on Tuesday and ended with an average of 93 which is yet another new record for Cycle 24. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Update time = Tue Jan 12 22:36:39 UTC 2010
Wall Street Journal: Strong Earthquake Hits Haiti Perspective view of the sea floor of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The Lesser Antilles are on the lower left side of the view and Florida is on the upper right. The purple sea floor at the center of the view is the Puerto Rico trench, the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. To: U.S. and Canadian Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coastal regions From: NOAA/NWS/West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center Subject: Tsunami Information Statement #1 issued 01/12/2010 at 6:03PM AST A strong earthquake has occurred, but a tsunami IS NOT expected along the coasts of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico states, and Eastern Canadian provinces. NO tsunami warning, watch or advisory is in effect for these areas. Based on the earthquake location, magnitude, and historic tsunami records, a damaging tsunami IS NOT expected along the Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, U.S. Atlantic, Eastern Canadian and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Earthquakes of this size can generate destructive tsunamis along the coast near the epicenter. Authorities in the epicentral region should be aware of this possibility and take appropriate action. At 5:53 PM Atlantic Standard Time on January 12, an earthquake with preliminary magnitude 7.3 occurred in the Haiti region . (Refer to the United States Geological Survey for official earthquake parameters.) The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach, Hawaii will issue messages for areas in the Caribbean outside Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. This will be the only statement issued for this event by the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center unless conditions warrant. See the WCATWC web site for basic tsunami information, safety rules, and a tsunami travel time map and table. (NOTE: Travel time maps and tables indicate forecasted times only, not that a wave was generated.) Update time = Wed Jan 13 0:18:18 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map Gulf Stream Flow Current is in an erratic condition. A wild iguana, inert from the cold temperatures hitting Florida, is seen on the grounds of the Miami Metrozoo. The iguana appeared to have succumbed to the cold, but began to stir again as it warmed up. |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
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The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
READ MORE | Hot Headlines - January 12, 2010
A Terminus Ad Quem
Obama Signs Martial Law Executive Order
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of Military Governors for Martial Law
January 12, 2010
One must read this one closely but when it dawns on you that the 10 Governors to be appointed by the President will perhaps soon correspond to the 10 FEMA REGIONS and effectively will be under the Secretary of Defense and hence the President in a system of Regional Military Governors over all States, not just the States they might be from, you might just experience a chill up your spine. Note that then all States in essence have been taken over at least on paper by the President and will be administered Militarily. Read carefully Section -2 Functions, of this Executive Order and you will clearly see how inclusive these functions can be....... especially Item e which has language sufficiently broad and loose that a Tank Battalion could be driven through it.
Americans had better understand that this Executive Order along with all of those previously signed ,and with Presidential Decision Directive 51 and others will be used to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights and to render each American effectively into nothing more than a member of a work gang subject to control of the Regional Military Governor who is under the Secdef who is under the President. Posse Comitatus then is dead, Habeas Corpus is dead, Bill of Rights is dead, and only the whims and subjective decisions of the Regional Military Governor, as directed by the President via the Secretary of Defense and executed by Northcom troopers who now include U.S. , Canadian, Mexican, and other Foreign troops as well as Mercenaries and the States' National Guards, Militias, and Police agencies will be the Iron Fist Rule of the Land.
Is this what the Founding Fathers would be proud of or would they say we have come full circle and that now We the People should invoke the Declaration of Independence once again and be ready on Lexington Green and prepositioned at Concord Bridge ? I think I know what Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, and old "Swamp Fox" would say.
Here is the link to the PDF of the Executive Order. Read it and weep for America.
Panic Buying in Supermarkets as the Weather Tightens Its Grip on Britain
Oil Rises Above $83 Amid Strong China Demand
America Slides Deeper into Depression as Wall Street Revels
Platinum Takes Centre-Stage after US ETF Launch
Platinum, Palladium ETF Could Quickly Hit Limit – this story indicates platinum and palladium will explode when fully subscribed, which will be immediate
The Other Plot to Wreck America
Devaluation Sparks Chaos in Caracas
1.41 Million Americans Filed for Personal Bankruptcies in 2009 a Jump of 325 from 2008. More and More Average Americans Resorting to Bankruptcy Even with Tougher Rules to File.
The Capture of Our Government by Wall Street: A 70% Stock Market Rally Lines Up with an Additional 2.7
Million Jobs Lost Since March of 2009. How Wall Street Reflects the Interest of the Corporatocracy and Not the Real Economy.
Federal Reserve Seeks to Protect U.S. Bailout Secrets
‘Afghan Insurgency Can Sustain Itself Indefinitely’: Top U.S. Intel Officer
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed
Venezuela Says Its Jets Intercepted U.S. Plane
Why Is China Pushing into Africa's Industrial Zones?
Israeli Robots Remake Battlefield
Audiences Experience 'Avatar' Blues
Crack New Scanner Looks for Bombs Inside Body Cavities
Chinese Expansionism Feb. 2009
While your at it; be sure to check out the Jan. 2009 PDF
Russian Expansionism Jan. 2009
The latest newsletter from which is the January 2010 3 part newsletter goes into detail about many pieces of evidence that the Chinese wish to attack the US in the future.
It details articles and information such as the following:
China reported spending millions to lobby US law makers; take over American Ports
China already controls Lazaro Cardenas port in Mexico. (This is the port of entry of the NAFTA Superhighway all the way to Kansas City via the Trans-Texas Corridor) They also control the port in Long Beach, pretty much the port in Boston, a deep water port off the coast of Florida, and they control the Panama Canal.
I brought up the subject about the NAFTA superhighway being used to move troops rapidly like the autobauns did in Germany for Hitler across the US when I met Big John Lipscomb of @ Brave New Books in Austin, TX in January of 2009. We had an interesting talk about it............and this is very possible.
Take a look at all of the points I have provided and make your own decision. However you probably can't argue to me to believe otherwise because I am convinced that more than likely;
This Ain't No Movie.
Robert Jones
'Afghan deaths in NATO firing'
Kansas judge again backs defense in abortion shootingUSA Today - - 28 minutes ago WICHITA (AP) - A Kansas judge has again refused to block a confessed abortion clinic killer from arguing in court that he should be spared a murder conviction because he believed he was saving unborn ... Judge: Roeder can build manslaughter defense Jury selection delayed in abortion doctor slaying Los Angeles Times |
Science focused upon providing power and control to the few
Transhumanism - the new word for eugentics, robotics, bio-tech, cognitive sciences, merging man and machines.
Streaming video trailer
Chem trails now being seen to be killing trees through out the country due to the heavy metal and lacking the ability for adequate photosynthesis and trees are subsequently being victimized by fungus, molds, etc. Chem trail heavy metals also are affecting soil and groundwater. Genetically engineered trees tolerate heavy metals.
Global Justice Ecology Project - Stop Genetically Engineered Trees
Kolkata, India A man who lost his home to a shanty town fire surveys the damage caused by the blaze. According to a local news agency, the fire broke out near the Bidhanagar train station after a gas cylinder explosion. |
West Bengal, India
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) UFO Database Are UFO Sightings At Dulce A Bigger Story Than Roswell?
My News blog: The Cave
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