It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Morning - January 13, 2010 |
The corporate-government media now has the human disaster in Haiti to keep them busy while Hillary Clinton is over in Asia and Obama wants to increase his war budget. So much news out there ... this morning's update will go out as it is ... sure looks like our military-industrial-banking complex is working its hardest to get a big war going with Russia and China - makes me personally want to vomit. The Western Banksters' solution to the 'financial crisis' ... WAR ... Now we have 10 governors (chosen by the Prez) to be over the other not-chosen governors ... thanks to an Executive Order - WHAT THE HECK is wrong with this picture? Did not like what I read regarding seeds from this morning given I have personally purchased such corn seed from eBay myself: Here Comes the Seed Police!
All the warnings here about getting your heritage seeds before the government moves on food supplies of just regular folks may have seemed alarmist and dire...a little "Too much tinfoil, George!". But if you think I'm BS'ing about the government seizing seeds purchased from places like eBay, try this email on for size:
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
More evidence emerges that Americans are drugged out of their minds A study released last fall in the Archives of General Psychiatry documented a dramatic increase in the use of antidepressant drugs like Prozac since l996. In fact, these medications are now the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.S. |
Haiti Disaster
Obama wants record $708 billion for wars next year |
U.S. arms sales to Taiwan firmly opposed |
A Chinese mainland official Wednesday reaffirmed the mainland's firm opposition to arms sales to Taiwan by any country and called on Taiwan to cherish hard-won peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. • US urged to handle Taiwan issues in prudent, proper way |
Google departure from China would have limited effect
Explain cyber raids on Google: Hillary Clinton
Michael Sainsbury, China correspondent
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today called on Beijing to explain cyber attacks against internet search giant Google.
Web attack hit 34 targets: Google
GOOGLE is building a great wall of security after news that 34 entities were hit in the cyber attack thought to have come from China.
Japan's Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, has proposed an economic community excluding the Americans
US Sec of State Clinton visiting Asia
UNITED NATIONS (UN) PROPERTY GRAB FAMILY PROPERTY RIGHTS BEING STOLEN BY INTERNATIONAL TREATIES "Spencer's passive protest is not in vain. It has placed issues at the forefront of every Australian and gained unprecedented attention across Australia, and the world concerning thousands of Australian farming family's property rights which have been stolen to meet Australia's entire Kyoto Protocol International Treaty Obligations and in so doing, breaching Australia's Constitution." |
Source: Congressional Budget Office
The federal budget deficit was about $390 billion in the first quarter of fiscal year 2010, CBO estimates in its latest Monthly Budget Review—$56 billion more than for the same period in fiscal year 2009 despite reduced spending related to turmoil in the financial markets. Outlays were slightly lower than they were last year at this time, but revenues have fallen by about 11 percent. Later this month, CBO will issue new budget projections for 2010 and the following 10 years.
December 2009 marks the second consecutive December that the federal budget will record a deficit, CBO estimates. Typically, December yields a budget surplus because most corporations make quarterly income tax payments and withholding for individuals is relatively high because of year-end bonuses and seasonal employment. The deficit in December was $92 billion, CBO estimates, about $40 billion more than the deficit recorded in December 2008. Adjusted to eliminate variation attributable to shifts in the timing of certain payments, the deficit was about $11 billion greater than it was the same month last year.
+ Full Report (PDF; 37 KB)
AIRPORT SCANNER SCAM NEWS Body scanners can store and transmit naked images. Pedophiles and "celebrity skin" fans rejoice at news. Michael Chertoff does look like the creep who used to sit at the cash register in the local porn shop. Adding More Names to Watch Lists Isn’t Change, It’s a Step Back |
Council of Europe health chief says pharmaceutical firms are behind man-made H1N1 pandemic.
Nigerian President's health status stirs questions. Long absence of President President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has rumors flying in Nigeria. |
Lincoln Nebraska Live Traffic Cams Report: Immigrants' children fastest growing youth population in Nebraska Nebraska Governor Heineman: Freeze pay of all state employeesIn an effort to reduce layoffs, Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman is calling for a freeze on all state employee salaries -- a move that would affect more than 18,700 people and save about $10 million a year in state taxes. After the snow . . . the flood? “It's too early to make any predictions about what might happen in the spring,” Caffey said Tuesday. Rich Tesar, a longtime Papio-NRD board member who lives along the Platte near Valley, said the river appears to flowing well. “We've got slivers of open water throughout the entire length of the lower Platte,” he said. On Tuesday, the Missouri River was about 25 percent ice-covered at Sioux City, Iowa. Last week, it was 50 percent to 75 percent ice-covered as far south as Jefferson City, Mo. That caused the Army Corps of Engineers to increase releases of water from upstream reservoirs to shove the ice downstream. The corps now has returned to normal winter releases of water, said Paul Johnston, corps spokesman. |
Guys like Pedro didn't care how they got their money. As long he was able to get some money to cruise around the world like a playboy, that's all he cared about. Heck, I bet that members of Pedro's crowd wouldn't mind a return to slavery if it meant more money for them. In fact, Goldman Sachs, who Pedro works for, has been caught funding projects that invest in slavery in Sudan. Goldman Sachs handled the IPO of PetroChina, the parent company of which was using forced labor in Sudan. One time when I was in Brazil, Pedro took me to his family's massive plantation several hours outside of Rio de Janeiro. Picture the modern-day version of the plantation from "Gone with Wind," except bigger and with a full gym, sauna, steam room, two pools, satellite TV, Wi-Fi and a man-made lake full of jet skis. While the plantation might have been a more high-tech version of Tara, the antiquated mentality of the 19th century plantation capitalism was very much alive. The type of capitalism that said some people were meant to be poor and powerless and others like Pedro to be the rulers of society. One or two of the dozen or so servants that lived on the plantation were direct descendants of the slaves that had lived there a few generations earlier. Pedro showed me pictures of what the plantation used to look like in the good old days when it was an actual plantation full of slaves rather than a pleasure resort. He even showed off the old slave chains. As an advocate for workers' rights, I didn't share his enthusiasm for this particular historic relic. It was about one of the most awkward experiences of my life, until we had dinner. |
Joyce Riley's THE POWER HOUR NEWS | January 13, 2010
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7.0 earthquake rocks Haiti -- The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.0 and was centered about 14 miles west from the capital of Port-au-Prince, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
* Serious loss of life expected in quake
VIDEO: McEwen Says Gold May Reach $5,000 an Ounce by 2012
Obama sets up council of governors -- Obama signed an executive order establishing a panel to be known as the Council of Governors, which will be made up of 10 state governors, to be selected by the president to serve two-year terms. Members will review matters involving the National Guard; homeland defense; civil support; and synchronization and integration of state and federal military activities in the United States, the White House said in a statement. (brought forward from yesterday - worth a repeat)
Strategic grain reserves sold out-by Holly Deyo -- "I received a disturbing email yesterday regarding massive amounts of grain shipping out of the U.S. to foreign countries. Granaries that long stood idle are going full-bore. Miles and miles of rail cars are filled and ready to transport our wheat, oats and corn reserves for shipment out of country."
2010 food crisis for dummies -- triple digit food inflation will lead panicking central banks around the world to dump their foreign reserves to appreciate their currencies and lower the cost of food imports, causing the collapse of the dollar, the treasury market, derivative markets, and the global financial system. The US will experience economic disintegration.
Electronic Harassment Information -- Electronic Harassment comes in many forms and types. This website tries to explain what they are and what to do about them.
Florida homeowners sue U.S. drywall manufacturer -- Drywall manufacturer National Gypsum has been named in a class-action lawsuit claiming the company produced defective wallboard responsible for corrosion of air-conditioning coils, wiring and other metals in affected homes
Obama signs martial law executive order -- This order sets up the framework for the use of federal troops and the combination of state and federal agencies under the Defence Department. This is startling news for many reasons. Why now? Why now?
White House press release -- The President today signed an Executive Order (attached) establishing a Council of Governors to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State Governments to protect our Nation against all types of hazards.
Terrorist watch lists imperfect experts say -- Experts agree that biometrics, which includes physical traits such as face recognition, are key to ensuring names on a watch list can be matched to a real individual.
USDA approves first UHF tag for Animal Identification System (NAIS) -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved a passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID tag for cattle tracking that will be used in conjunction with the agency's Animal Identification Number (AIN) system.
BBC: Polio vaccine gave cancer causing virus to millions -- This report highlights information from an assortment of prominent sources, the BBC being first.
VIDEO: Student assaulted by teacher for handing out swine flu vaccine information
H1N1 flu is a false pandemic health expert claims -- "But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now."
Europe seeks to offload flu vaccines -- Western European countries, including Switzerland, are queuing up to shift surplus stocks of the H1N1 flu vaccine after low public demand.
Construction unemployment rate rises to 22.7% -- In a clear sign of construction's persistently severe problems, the industry's jobless rate hit its highest level in at least a decade, climbing to 22.7% in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported.
3D photo technology for driver's licenses -- Laser-engraved 3D portrait technology is difficult to counterfeit and inherently establishes ownership between the ID and its rightful owner. The method used to validate the 3D photo security feature is clear and performed intuitively by examining the image. It is intrinsic to the person being identified and integral to the card structure.
More evidence emerges that Americans are drugged out of their minds -- A study released last fall in the Archives of General Psychiatry documented a dramatic increase in the use of antidepressant drugs like Prozac since l996. In fact, these medications are now the most widely prescribed drugs in the U.S.
Agency to spend $1.2 billion to federalize traffic reports -- Federal agency plans to regulate real-time traffic information.
the new federal rule will force states to offer real-time traffic information already being provided by a number of companies including Google, Yahoo!, Clear Channel, Westwood One and Navteq.
Giving corporations and outsized voice in elections --Corporations are pitching a bizarre product -- a radical vision of the 1st Amendment. It would give corporations rather than voters a central role in our electoral process by treating corporate political spending as protected speech.
Obama received $20 million from health care industry in 2008 election -- Almost three times the amount given to McCain.
Amish families exempt from health insurance mandate -- The Amish, as well as some other religious sects, are covered by a "religious conscience" exemption, which allows people with religious objections to insurance to opt out of the mandate.
Global deep freeze threatens food supply for 2010 -- The global deep freeze now striking North America, Europe, China and other regions may lead to severe food shortages and price hikes throughout 2010. Right now, rare freezing temperatures are destroying root crops in their ground, wiping out citrus orchards and devastating food producers around the world.
IRS commissioner doesn't file his own taxes-too complex -- I find the tax code complex so I use a preparer," Shulman said.
Police fight cell phone recordings -- Witnesses taking audio of officers arrested, charged with illegal surveillance. The police apparently do not want witnesses to what they do in public.
Federal Reserve seeks to protect U.S. bailout secrets -- The Federal Reserve asked a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed without the largest government bailout in U.S. history.
Poll: 3 in 4 support airport body scans -- Of those questioned, 74 percent said airports should use the controversial machines because they provide a detailed check for hidden weapons and explosives and reduce the need for physical searches. Just 20 percent said the machines should not be used because they see through a passenger's clothing and thus constitute an invasion of privacy.
"Fleshmob" against virtual strip search machines at Berlin airport! -- Don’t like being stripped naked by “whole body imaging” machines or “body scanners”, and then groped to determine whether what they see under your underwear is a padded bra, a mastectomy prosthesis, a menstrual pad, an adult diaper, … or plastic explosives? You could sign this petition … and/or you could organize your own “fleshmob” like this one at Tegel Airport in Berlin. (More links including videos of similar fleshmobs at other airports here.)
"You do not need us to scan" -- Under the motto "You do not need us to scan - We are already naked," took part members of the Pirate Party of Germany on 10th day Januar an Flashmobs auf mehreren deutschen Flughäfen. January, Flashmobs at several German airports.
Inside China's secret toxic unobtainium mine -- Last week it was reported that China - which has a global monopoly on the production of rare-earth metals - is now threatening to cut off vital supplies to the West. A shortage would jeopardize the manufacturing and development of green technologies such as wind turbines and low-energy lightbulbs.
Got too many books lying around? -- Here's some offbeat uses for them.
A very small and unusual library -- Check out this bright red old phone booth which was purchased for just 1 pound and remodeled as the smallest library in the world. Residents line up to swap their already read books for new ones left by other patrons. Over 100 books and a variety of movies and music CDs are available at this tiny library.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
Utah Preppers - Ready for Anything : 72 Hour Kits |
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Miep Gies, the woman who hid Anne Frank and saved the teenager's diary, has died at age 100.
OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 13, 2010 AT 8:13 AM CDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind SOLAR ACTIVITY: Shape-shifting sunspot 1040 has grown into a behemoth ten times wider than Earth | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Haiti devastated by quake, high toll feared Injured Haitians sat on darkened streets pleading for help Wednesday, and untold numbers were trapped in rubble following a massive earthquake. (AP, 6:41 a.m.) Update time = Wed Jan 13 14:18:27 UTC 2010
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CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||||||||||||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-BANKING COMPLEX NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Army has informed Congress that it is terminating a robotic vehicle and an unmanned aircraft program that were once part of the Army’s largest modernization effort. The remaining technology development efforts from the FCS era are now referred to as Army Brigade Combat Team Modernization. RELATED: US Army Combat Modernization Program Approved: Boeing To Begin Production in 2010GovConWire Increment 1 of the Army's Brigade Combat Team Modernization program has been approved for low scale production in early 2010, according to a press release ... Army Brigade Combat Team Modernization - Increment 1
Latest SAIC News
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Green tea 'may block lung cancer'BBC News - 1 hour ago Drinking green tea may offer some protection against lung cancer, say experts who studied the disease at a medical university in Taiwan. | | Today's Featured Stories - January 13, 2010
25 ways to improve your health and happiness in 2010 (NaturalNews) The New Year is upon us, and for many people, it includes a New Year's resolution for achieving improved health and happiness in 2010. Here are twenty-five health-enhancing ideas to help you accomplish that goal. #1 - Replace sodas or... |
More evidence emerges that Americans are drugged out of their minds (NaturalNews) As NaturalNews has previously reported, the U.S. is a nation seemingly hooked on mind-altering drugs. A study released last fall in the Archives of General Psychiatry... |
Three Approved GMO Crops Linked to Organ Damage, New Study Shows Genetically Modified crops (or GM) are genetically modified organisms (GMO) that have been altered to meet a specific profile. They have also been the subject of controversy almost since their introduction two decades ago. A new study pinpoints... |
The Amish are much healthier than the rest of America They're known for using horse-drawn buggies, avoiding modern conveniences, and wearing old-fashioned clothing. But do the Amish possess something that the rest of us don't, primarily a lifestyle that prevents disease and leads to a better... |
Alzheimer’s can be prevented through anti-aging therapies, study says (NaturalNews) Researchers from the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences have come to the conclusion that studying the way people age rather than the diseases they develop is the key to preventing disease. Particularly with Alzheimer's Disease, the group... |
Acai Assault: The Acai Berry may Regulate Cholesterol The laundry list of acai berry benefits to the body just got a bit longer. According to a recent study published in the journal Nutrition, the awkward-to-pronounce berry is great for cholesterol regulation. There's no shortage of... |
Mentally Ill Sentenced to Death by NHS (NaturalNews) In a letter to the Daily Telegraph newspaper, a group of medical experts has claimed that a government protocol intended to reduce suffering in the terminally ill may actually be causing the deaths of patients who might otherwise... |
Trapped in a Coma for 23 Years, But Conscious the Whole Time (NaturalNews) Rom Houben, a 46-year-old car crash victim, has recently come forward with his horrific experience of coma misdiagnosis. Doctors believed that Rom was in a coma when in fact he was conscious but unable to speak or move. For 23 years, he... |
Doctors Need to Become Healers, Part II (Opinion) How can a medical doctor help you health wise? They are not healers. They are symptom treaters. They lack the pertinent knowledge because the medical schools do not teach nutrition or the natural reactions of the biological process of the... |
Global deep freeze threatens 2010 food supply (NaturalNews) The global deep freeze now striking North America, Europe, China and other regions may lead to severe food shortages and price hikes throughout 2010. Right now, rare freezing temperatures are destroying root crops in their ground, wiping... |
Today's health headlines from across the 'net
(Hand-picked by the Health Ranger for your education and amusement)- Nine meals from anarchy... What the coming food collapse means for civilization
- Think eating "organic" meat is okay? Think again: Shocking investigation...
- Corporations now trying to demand their own 1st Amendment "free speech" rights to sway elections
- California votes to end prohibition on marijuana; regulate it like alcohol
- With the swine flu scam now over, the WHO says it will "review" what went wrong
- Smoke flavoring may be toxic to humans
- Every year, 25 percent of Americans get sick from eating food
- CSPI calling for outright censorship of "structure and function" claims for nutritional supplements
- U.S. won't need 250 million doses of swine flu vaccine it ordered from five companies
- Amish exempt from health insurance mandate - "religious conscious" exemption
- America infects the world with its false beliefs about mental illness
- Vitamin D deficiency finally being recognized as increasingly common
See all Top Headlines...
Today in History Wednesday January 13, 2010
Bayer Aspirin, Illuminated Nazi's, and Heroin.
My News blog: The Cave
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