It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. -Samuel Adams Wednesday Evening - January 13, 2010 |
"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President (1797 - 1801) |
As of 4:28:00 P.M. today, there are an estimated 2,409,543 people in U.S. prisons and jails. Source.
Welcome to Prison-Prone America
Goldman Sachs profited handsomely by trading ahead of — or even against — its own clients. |
From 700 Billion to 12 Trillion / The Economic Crisis That Was, Yet Is
Chart showing decline of US dollar from 1999 to 2009
In the movie ’2012’, in addition to blowing and sinking most of planet Earth to kingdom come, there also is made cryptic reference to other types of major catastrophes that may overtake this present world in the not too distant future. The collapse of the US dollar is one such event mentioned in the movie. Charlie, the only person in the movie who seems to be telling the truth is portrayed as ‘conspiracy nut’ which is the norm in Hollywood movies. People who reveal the world to be not quite as simply explicable as the mainstream media would have us believe are portrayed as suffering from paranoia or otherwise not ‘normal’, as for instance the Mel Gibson character in the movie ‘Conspiracy Theory’. At about 31 minutes into the movie ‘2012’, Charlie details the collapse of the ‘Economy’ to Jackson. To paraphrase Charlie tells Jackson very animatedly with lot of explosive noises (BOOM!) that first the stock market collapses, then the economy, then the dollar goes boom! He makes other predictions that result from such events such as ‘pandemonium in the streets’, ‘war’, and ‘genocide’. Why the screenwriters chose to use the word ‘Genocide’ in the context of an economic collapse and ‘natural catastrophes’ is a bit of a mystery that will be examined in a future article.
The fall in value of the dollar may not be viewed by the man on the street as ‘catastrophic’ as for example the sinking of a major part of California into the Pacific; but the results can be just as deadly if not more so. The debasement or possible collapse of the US dollar, the world’s reserve currency, and how it relates to biblical prophecy is the subject of this article. I came across a news article that originated from a very influential source in the world of economics who is predicting the collapse of the US dollar. The article was printed in The Telegraph, a major UK newspaper and is available to be read online at:
“Americans must prepare themselves for a massive collapse in the dollar as investors around the world dump their US assets, a former Bank of England policymaker has warned”. As opposed to the ‘nut case’ Charlie in the movie this man occupies one of the highest positions in the mysterious world of high finance as a former Bank of England policymaker and now with the most prestigious economic institution in the world, The London School of Economics. So Mr. Buiter’s predictions originate from something other than crystal ball gazing. The following links also examine the steady decline in value of the dollar over the past decade and its implications.
EXCUSES, JUSTIFICATIONS - BEHAVIOR OF ABUSERS Banksters 'apologize' for risky behavior but justify that 'it seemed right' |
Venezuela is oil. Venezuela provides the United States with about 15 percent of its oil, the third largest supplier behind Saudi Arabia and Canada. The Government of Venezuela has opened up much of the hydrocarbon sector to foreign investment, promoting multi-billion dollar investment in heavy oil production, reactivation of old fields, and investment in several petrochemical joint ventures. Almost 60 foreign companies representing 14 different countries participate in one or more aspects of Venezuela's oil sector. The Venezuelan national oil company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) and foreign oil companies have signed 33 operating contracts.
Background news:
Additional income from Venezuelan bolivar devaluation estimated at USD 23.95 billion
Venezuela auctions USD 50 million in short-term securities
03:24 PM. Economy. Venezuela on Wednesday began auctioning USD 50 million in 3-month zero-coupon dollar bonds to provide US currency to businesses and individuals amidst the prevailing foreign exchange control and following the devaluation of the Venezuelan bolivar approved on January 8.
Venezuela seized two U.S.-registered planes for drug smuggling.
This proves one thing -- the U.S. Navy P-3s crossing into Venezuelan airpsace from Curacao and Aruba are not involved in drug interdiction.
Venezuela move will strike Tulsa contract driller
Venezuela's devaluation hurts earnings of US companies
U.S.-based Iranian monarchy group claims responsibility for terrorist assassination bombing of Iranian nuclesr physicist. Parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani said Iran had warning of planned attacks by CIA and Mossad. |
TURKEY NEWS Turkey embraces role as Arab 'big brother' Asia Times Online Turkey cannot join EU 'at any cost,' says - 2 hours ago London, Jan 13, IRNA - Turkey still has a great deal of work to do before it will be eligible to join the EU, according to Britain's European Minister Chris ... Russia-Turkey: $100 Billion friendship sealed with oil, gas and nuclear power Russia claims Turkish backing for pipeline AFP Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said Russia had won Turkey's backing for Moscow to build a key section of a new gas pipeline seen as a rival of an EU-backed project in Turkish waters Israel apologises to Turkey over snubBBC News - 13 minutes ago Israel has apologised to Turkey in an effort to defuse a row over the treatment of its envoy in Tel Aviv. Israel's prime minister said he hoped this "would end the affair". Exxon, Petrobras In Pact With Turkish National Oil CompanyWall Street Journal - Jan 12, 2010 (XOM) and state-run Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR) said Tuesday they struck a deal with Turkey's national oil company, TPAO, to drill for deepwater oil and ... Turkey PM: Talks With IMF On Loan Deal Nearly ConcludedISTANBUL (Dow Jones)--Talks between the International Monetary Fund and Turkey on a new loan deal are almost concluded, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday, the Ihlas News Agency, or IHA, reported. However, Erdogan said an IMF loan isn't an absolute necessity for Turkey. "If it happens, it happens and if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen," he said. Turkey has been in talks with the IMF on a new loan deal since a three-year, $10 billion program expired in May 2008. |
U.S. uses war - China uses diplomacy when seeking resources
The specific Central Asian region of which I speak, rich in natural gas and oil, includes India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, among others. Russia, which borders the region and Iran are also key players. Transport of these critical resources via current and planned pipelines is at the center of the struggle to determine who will control them into the future. To understand the magnitude of this struggle we need to begin by examining the strategy that the U.S. is pursuing in Afghanistan and Pakistan as related to its greater objectives in Central Asia. ..
...We are just in the beginning stages of a new chapter in this grand chess game that pits the U.S. against China in achieving dominance in the world's natural resources, primarily oil and gas, for many years to come. So far, China has used diplomacy and negotiations around the world and has stayed completely away from involvement in wars. Conversely, the U.S. has initiated wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan at staggering costs to achieve its goals.
We are going to hear more and more reports of various types of incursions into Pakistan by various means; the use of drones will greatly intensify, and Blackwater (now renamed XE) is actively setting up clandestine operations in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. Whether U.S. and/or NATO troops will actually make incursions into Pakistan is anyone's guess but, if that happens , then the situation could become very dire indeed.
What I'm describing is not an unsubstantiated theory. It has been well documented, not in the Western press, but by major Asian news outlets; the Asia Times, headquartered in Hong Kong, is closely monitoring this grand chess game being played out. There is no great secret in that area of the world as to what is really happening and why.
At this point, China is winning the grand chess game because of its apparent ability to use diplomacy in securing critical resources. The danger is that the U.S., rather than using diplomacy, is committed to using military "persuasion" to achieve its objectives. Carrying out such aggressive military policies in a region where four nations with nuclear capabilities -- Russia, China, India and Pakistan -- exist is moving this game into a highly dangerous phase.
OIL TO ASIA NEWS - Russia & China
Putin inaugurates the first section of ESPO (East Siberia-Pacific) Pipeline
"Most astonishing is that Europe became an area for the CIA's actions" Jurgen Elsasser, an investigative journalist and author, says all political parties in Germany are very upset about “this breach of our sovereignty by a foreign secret service.” | | Hot Headlines - January 13, 2009
Biological Warfare Drill Begins on Massive Scale
Hatoyama to Nanjing, Hu to Hiroshima?
It May Be Financially Irresponsible to Pay Your Mortgage
The Cashless Society
2009: The Year of the Great Vampire Squid
Chapter XII: Keep My Change? (The Day the Dollar Died Series)
First Grit, Then Gas – Now It's Vegetables in Short Supply
US Farmers Plant Fewest Wheat Acres Since 1913
Quake Rocks Haiti, Causing Widespread Damage
More Explosions at Soufriere Hills Volcano
North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux
Lake Tahoe Weather: Unusual Layer of Fog Mystifies Residents, Tourists
2012: Another Y2K or End of the World?
Shocking Report: Rand Corp Tells US Army Its Time for a National Stability Police Force
NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty with Ginny Simone – video
Obama’s TSA Nominee Targets Anti-Government Christians
China's Exports Turn Upward in December
Navy Wants Troops Wearing Brain-Scanners into War Missouri County Sheriff's
Department to Receive New Investigative Device
Obama backs GoogleWeb giant threatened to quit China in a row over censorship. Forty percent of top Obama administration positions remain vacant Confirmation bottlenecks and disclosure requirements said to be behind vacancies. |
On Saturday, President Barack Obama declared the H1N1 influenza pandemic to be a national emergency. The statement from Obama issued by the White House reads as follows:
“Pursuant to section 201 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1621), I hereby report that I have exercised my authority to declare a national emergency in order to be prepared in the event of a rapid increase in illness across the Nation that may overburden health care resources. This declaration will allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services, if necessary, to temporarily waive certain standard Federal requirements in order to enable U.S. health care facilities to implement emergency operations plans to deal with the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in the United States. A copy of my proclamation is attached. Further, I have authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services to exercise the authority under section 1135 of the Social Security Act to temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance programs and of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule as necessary to respond to the pandemic throughout the duration of the public health emergency declared in response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.”
As the number of pregnant women suffering problems after receiving influenza A (H1N1) shots has increased, Taiwan Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chairman Tsai Hong-te suggested Wednesday that women in their first trimester of pregnancy should not receive H1N1 shots.
Swine flu “false pandemic” seems to be biggest pharma-fraud of century
Was H1N1 False Pandemic? European Panel to Debate Question | U.S. Officials wary of another wave of H1N1 flu
MEXICO MEXICAN VIOLENCE SPIRALS AS 69 ARE MURDERED IN ONE DAY LA gang member accused of shooting at deputies is brought back from MexicoLos Angeles Times - 6 hours ago A Los Angeles gang member who fled to Mexico after allegedly shooting at two deputies more than nine years ago was brought back to LA County today to face ... Whittier gang member brought back from Mexico for trial Whittier Daily News Gang member on FBI's most wanted list returned to Los Angeles for trial Los Angeles Times Mexico Arrests Major Tijuana Drug Gang LeaderKPBS - - 1 hour ago A team of at least 50 officers grabbed "El Teo" and they whisked him to Mexico City for a press conference. There Mexican federal police linked "El Teo" to ... Video: Mexican drug lord arrested Mexico nabs drug boss suspected in 300 killings Dallas Morning News Mexico Holds Drug Suspect Accused of Grisly Tactics New York Times Heineken assumes total debt of Mexico brewerAFP - 14 hours ago MONTERREY, Mexico — Dutch brewer Heineken is to assume the total debt of Mexican drinks group Fomento Economico Mexicano, some 2.1 billion dollars | | Headlines - January 13, 2010Insouciant Americans The Underwear Bomber case indicates that whoever is behind these bomb scares is laughing at our gullibility. How realistic is it that al-Qaida, an organization that allegedly pulled off the most fantastic terror attack in world history, would in these days of heightened security choose for an attack on an airliner a person who is the most conspicuous of all? Umar Farouk Mutallab had a one-way ticket, no luggage, no passport, and his father, reportedly a CIA and Mossad asset, had reported him to the CIA and Mossad. Does anyone really believe that al-Qaida would choose as an airliner bomber a person waving every red flag imaginable? National Security: The Big FraudThe handwringing about the would-be Christmas Day airplane bomber and the politicians’ tiresome declarations that it will never happen again miss the point: As long as the U.S. government pursues its imperial program of invasion, regime change, occupation, and sponsorship of corrupt governments in the Muslim world, Americans will be targets for avengers. This does not excuse the killing of innocents — it merely points out an inevitable chain of events. A global fiasco is brewing in Japan I have felt rather lonely after suggesting in my New Year Predictions that Japan is dangerously close to blowing up on its sovereign debts, with consequences that will be felt across the world. The Biggest Financial Deception of the Decade Enron? Bear Stearns? Bernie Madoff? They're all big stories about big losses and have hurt a lot of employees and investors. But none come close to getting my vote for the decade's most dastardly deception... First came Enron, with $65.5 billion in assets, going belly-up and becoming the largest bankruptcy in US history at that time. The stock went from a high of $84.63 in December 2000 to a whopping 26¢ one year later. And what had we been told by the media? Fortune magazine dubbed Enron "America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years. Next came WorldCom filing for bankruptcy in 2002, their assets of $103.9 billion dwarfing Enron's. Tyco, Adelphia, Peregrine Systems...also made headlines for their acts of fraud and mismanagement. A few years later, Bear Stearns set us all up for the Big Meltdown of 2008. It was B.S. (no, I mean Bear Stearns) that pioneered the asset- backed securities markets, and we all know how that turned out. Later we learned that as losses mounted in 2006 and 2007, the company was actually adding to its exposure of mortgage-backed assets. With net equity of $11.1 billion supporting $395 billion in assets, Bear leveraged itself up to an astonishing 35-to-1... New York Fed Faces House Subpoena Over AIG Bailout PaymentsJan. 13 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve Bank of New York may be forced to deliver documents related to American International Group Inc.’s government bailout after the chairman of a House oversight committee said he would issue a subpoena. Will Globalists Trigger Yet Another World War?Giordano Bruno World War III is the most iconic event in American culture that never happened. Since the early 1950’s, generations have been preparing for it, writing books about it, producing films and fictional accounts on it, and even playing video games based on it. The concept of another world war is so ingrained into our popular consciousness that it has become almost mythological. It is a legend, a fantasy story of something far away and incomprehensible, often associated with Tim Lahaye novels and action adventure narratives of religious prophecy and Armageddon. World War III has become “entertainment.” Phone Calls from the 9/11 AirlinersResponse to Questions Evoked by My Fifth Estate Interview On November 27, 2009, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Fifth Estate program aired a show entitled “9/11: The Unofficial Story,”1 for which I, along with a few other members of the 9/11 Truth Movement, was interviewed. In the most important part of my interview, I pointed out that, according to the FBI’s report on phone calls from the airliners provided in 2006 for the Moussaoui trial, Barbara Olson’s only call from Flight 77 was “unconnected” and hence lasted “0 seconds.” Although this Fifth Estate program showed only a brief portion of my discussion of alleged phone calls from the 9/11 airliners, its website subsequently made available a 22-minute video containing this discussion.2 “Harper’s Actual Agenda is to Dismantle Canada” There is, for good reason, a lot of enthusiasm across the country as the groundswell against Stephen Harper’s cynical shuttering of Parliament continues to grow. The prime minister from hell has gotten away with so much — and the opposition is so weak that any indication of genuine public disgust at his continuing demonstration of contempt for democracy is a welcome sign. And everyone who cares about the country should be taking part in the new movement for democracy. The Price of Freedom On February 17, at Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, DC, a young Nigerian terrorist named Farouk Abdul al Faisal attempted to board United Airlines flight 1497 to Stuttgart, Germany. He had eluded detection by the FBI, and was not on the Terrorist Watch List. He seemed to have succeeded in his aims. The Federal Reserve Paid the Federal Government $46 Billion in 2009. The FED Seeks Control, Not Profits. This report is from Fortune. It says that the Federal Reserve System made $51 billion in 2009, and it returned over $46 billion to the government. If you are a regular reader of my reports, you are well aware of this. I write articles on this at least once a year. Why? Because so few critics of the FED understand this. I keep getting questions on the forums about how the FED works. The Stupid and Evil Party GOP operatives are again falling on their noses trying to be more PC than the Democrats. Their war on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for saying in private that president Obama was well-positioned in 2008 because he is “a light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one” has turned into something truly tasteless. Although Reid apologized to the President for his “poor choice of words,” there was nothing outrageous in what he said, and particularly since it came out in a private conversation. I heard quite a few observations similar to Reid’s from my impeccably leftist academic associates during the presidential campaign. Despite his left-leaning position as a senator, lots of Americans, I was told, would vote for candidate Obama because he seemed like a non-threatening black. White voters would feel good about themselves if they had the chance to vote for such a pleasant-sounding minority candidate. CONTINENTAL CONGRESS ‘09: THE NEXT STEP FOR A FREE PEOPLE In recent years Americans have become more and more alarmed at the lack of adherence to the U.S. Constitution exercised by Congress and other elected representatives. The list of violations has grown large indeed. OBAMA ADVOCATES IMMIGRATION REFORM AT EXPENSE OF CRIME VICTIMS While the news media feverishly cover the soon-to-be passed health care debacle, the Democrats have revealed their plans to “reform” US immigration policy. Is A Cashless Society On The Cards?Steve Perry, executive vice president of Visa Europe, says cash is expensive – a cost on society – and should be replaced by a cashless society. Obama’s TSA Nominee Targets Anti-Government ChristiansFormer FBI agent Southers says government should pay attention to political Americans College Profs….Paper or Plastic?Disappearing Jobs The job picture in the humanities is going from bad to worse. The Modern Language Association’s annual forecast on job listings, being released today, predicts that positions in English language and literature will drop 35 percent from last year, while positions in languages other than English are expected to fall 39 percent this year. Given that both categories saw decreases last year, the two-year decline in available positions is 51 percent in English and 55 percent in foreign languages. First grit, then gas – now it’s vegetables in short supply Eight more consecutive nights of below-freezing temperatures are expected to exhaust council grit supplies and leave roads icy for days. The Met Office has downgraded predictions of a fresh heavy snowfall – there will be up to 15cm (6in) of snow, mostly on the highest ground – but many roads will remain treacherous for those trying to return to work today. Nine meals from anarchyJanuary 12th, 2010 A cold snap shows how fragile our supply of food and fuel is. We need a more sustainable system ‘Man has lost the capacity to foresee and forestall,” wrote Albert Schweitzer. A colossal banking crisis and a big freeze in the middle of what was meant to be a mild winter don’t encourage confidence to the contrary. Obama Executive Order Stokes Martial Law FearsSome warn expansion of military involvement in domestic security could lead to “end of United States as a Republic Totalitarian “Synchronization” — Germany 1933 and USA 2010 The German National Socialists used the term Gleichschaltung to describe the “coordination” or “synchronization” of all government functions by centralizing power in the Chief Executive. This process was carried out through a series of executive decrees supposedly authorized by the 1933 Enabling Act, formally known as the “Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich.” US Mortgage Originations Seen Plunging in 2010U.S. residential mortgage originations are expected to plummet 40 percent in 2010 to their lowest level in a decade, eclipsing a forecast drop made just one month ago, the industry’s main trade group said Tuesday. UK universities warn that they face ‘meltdown’ LONDON (AP) – Oxford, Cambridge and other British universities said Tuesday that the government’s plan to cut hundreds of millions of pounds (dollars) from their funding would put their world-class reputations in jeopardy. Federal Reserve Seeks to Block Release of U.S. Bailout Secrets Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve asked a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed without the largest government bailout in U.S. history. No Seat for Wall Street at Tea Could all those populist pitchforks currently pointed at Washington be turned toward Wall Street instead? That’s the question that ought to worry Wall Street executives as they prepare to pay themselves nice bonuses this month, hard on the heels of a government bailout of the financial system, and amid continuing job losses around the rest of the country. Financial firms know they’re in for heat on bonuses; they’ve already been chastised on national TV by President Barack Obama’s chief economist. Big Government, Big Business — Conjoined Twins David Corn, writing in Mother Jones, takes issue with the popular sentiment: For many decades, Americans have held negative attitudes toward the titans of industry. … But Americans also don’t fancy the counterbalance to corporate power: government. Since 1965, Gallup has asked survey respondents to choose the biggest future threat to the country: big business, big labor, or big government. Big government always wins — by a lot. Osama: 10. The US: 0. To better understand why Osama bin Laden is so far winning his struggle to oust the western powers from the Muslim world, let us go back to 1986, when I was covering the anti-Soviet war in then almost unknown Afghanistan. Creatures from the Conservative Id Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you. ~ Captain Jean-Luc Picard confronts Armus, Dick Cheney’s sci-fi soul mate. IT IS A MADHOUSE OUT THEREBy Chuck Baldwin I think we need to face it: 2010 is more than a new year; it is also part of a new era in which all vestiges of normalcy and common sense have been left behind. In other words, it is a madhouse out there. Let me give you some examples of what I’m talking about. THE EMOTION OF TYRANNY AND THE WISDOM OF JEFFERSON We have recently heard the statement “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste… an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” (Rahm Emanuel in a Wall Street Journal interview) FOREBODINGS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDERWhile sitting for a Christmas Eve photo-taking session expressly designed to magically deliver our Christmas in Canada to my adoptive parents in Italy, I could see within the “rushes,” so to speak, that our early attempts at a celebratory impression were failing. I just couldn't get "happy enough." Well, that morning I had read this article. Hmmm — a few, rather seminally important New World Order measures have already been taken. Though this ruling by Obama hasn't given a United Nations police force a white flag of complete surrender, it has virtually liberated what may prove to be a central recruiting station for a UN invasion of our rights. This Obama-approved invader is the European Union's Interpol, and given its carte blanche immunity from any restrictive limits to its behavior within the United States, I do believe we're in even further and faster trouble than anyone could possibly have thought … as a result of the Obama idea of "Change." These actions by the President, which I personally consider beyond unconstitutional, the utter desecration of America's national sovereignty, placing no restrictive limits around an international body of not only law enforcement officials but an actual spying organization dedicated to the enforcement of what amounts to European socialism? Swine flu: “They Organized the Panic”. Inquiry into the Role of Big Pharma and WHO by Council of EuropeNew Development: The German President of the Health Committee of the Council of Europe, Wolfgang Wodarg, is issuing accusations against the pharmaceutical lobbies and the governments. He has intitiated the start of an investigation by that body concerning the role played by the pharmaceutical in the campaign of panic about the virus. |
Obama Criticzed For $41bn Nuke Deal With UAE (United Arab Emirates)
UAE acquits UAE's President relative of torture charges
Reports say the merchant had lost a consignment of grain belonging to Sheikh Issa worth $5,000 (£3,300). He survived the abuse, but needed extensive hospital treatment.
The UAE is a federation of seven emirates and large expatriate populations. Each emirate is run by a ruling family and citizens are granted few political rights.
"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin | ||||
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OUR PLANET'S PROTECTIVE MAGNETOSPHERE UPDATE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Real-Time Magnetosphere Simulation JANUARY 13, 2010 AT 6:01PM CDT Click to view Animated Magnetosphere on YouTube: JANUARY 13, 2010 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Moon Phase | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUN UPDATE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Classification of Solar Flares Magnetic fields trigger solar wind WIDE SUNSPOT: Sunspot 1040 has grown so large (ten times wider than Earth) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 agencies attend earthquake summit in Illinois. Fears about possible New Madrid fault activity. Update time = Thu Jan 14 0:00:04 UTC 2010
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VOLCANISM NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CHANGING WEATHER PATTERNS - NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Severe Weather Map Surface Temperature Forecast Map |
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Benito Mussolini | ||
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) and President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy shake hands after addressing a joint press conference prior to a working dinner at the chancellery in Berlin. The Van Rompuy vowed Wednesday to make the fight against climate change and the economic crisis his top priority in the months ahead. (AFP/John MacDougall) | ||
The United Nations is just a debating society and a 'front' for banks |
Are you ready for The FUTURE? It's HERE! Telepathy machines Will replace your Phone & PC
In 1926, Professor A. W. Bickerton declared the concept of shooting at the moon to be foolish and impossible. In 1935, the noted astronomer F. R. Moulton wrote that man could never travel in outer space. In 1957, Dr. Richard van der Riet Wooley (former Astronomer Royal) called the idea of space travel "utter bilge". Eight months later Sputnik I was orbiting the earth. In a remote northern area of Tibet lie the ruins of the Hsing Nu capital, discovered by Duparc in 1725. Within the city, Duparc came upon a mass of monoliths (once coated with silver), a pyramid, part of a tower of blue porcelain, and a royal palace, containing thrones with sun and moon images. There was also a large milky white stone surrounded by exquisite drawings. Now for the stunning sequel. In 1952, a Soviet expedition arrived. The group was shown by Tibetan monks some ancient documents, whose descriptions agreed with those of Duparc. But here is the breathtaking part: the milky white stone, so said the documents, was "brought from the moon." Moon rock? Is it possible? Could man actually have left this earth and gone to the moon in ages past? Was space travel a natural adjunct to his civilization? Are there clues? Indeed there are. Indications of the reality of ancient space travel do come from widely separated parts of the world. Written and oral tradition is widespread—and, it seems, reliable. Chinese historians in particular never tried to please their rulers at the expense of truth. Death was preferred to untruthful reports of history. As an example we have the fate of historians in the reign of Chi in 547 B.C. We should therefore take seriously the historical reports of China, even if they seem at first to he far-fetched. There is a tendency in scientific circles nowadays to regard ancient documents and even mythology and folklore - as sources of history. Anthony Roberts expresses it this way: "Legends are like time-capsules that preserve their contents through ages of ignorance."1 In regard to some of the chronicles cited hereafter, internal evidence will carry its own proofs of authenticity. My first source is an old manuscript described by James Churchward, the English scholar who wrote decades before people spoke of artificial satellites and spaceships.2 1 - INDIA: Vehicles that could revolve around the earth (i.e., satellites): "Their fuel is drawn from the air in a very simple and cheap way. The motor is something like a modern turbine: it works from one chamber to another and does not stop or stall unless switched off. If nothing happens it continues to function. The ship in which it is built could revolve as long as it liked around Earth, only falling when the parts of which it is made were burnt up. 2 - INDIA: Philosophers and scientists who orbited the earth "below the moon and above the clouds" are spoken of in the ancient Surya Siddhanta.3 Giant satellites made of shiny metal and turning about an axis are described in detail in ancient Sanskrit texts, right down to their dimensions and interiors, as well as smaller craft that fly between them and the earth. 3 - CHALDEA: Two "modern" rockets emitting rays at the rear, a box like a loudspeaker and a "copy" of a Gemini capsule—are engraved on a copper chisel unearthed at Ur. 4 - SUMERIA: Pictographic texts describe three related objects on display in Sippar: the golden sphere (command module?), the "GIR" (a long arrow-shaped object, divided into several compartments) and the "alikmahrati," meaning "advancer that makes vessel go" (i.e., a motor, or an engine). Together they look very much like a three-part rocket ship. Another explicit sign is the combination of two words "DIN" and ‘GIR." When joined together to form the word "gods," the tail of the finlike "gir" fits perfectly into the opening of the rocketlike "din," which exhausts fire from its tail. 5 - PERU: A clay vessel 8-1/2 inches high portrays a kind of "space capsule" on which motor and exhaust are clearly recognizable. 6 - ITALY: A painting discovered in the niche of a room under Rome’s Palatine Hill, in 1961, portrays what appears to be a rocket. It stands on a launching pad. From it run guys or cables; behind is a tall wall, resembling a counterblast wall. 7 - JAPAN: Excavations have uncovered clay figurines of people clad in peculiar "space suits", with helmets entirely covering their heads. On the helmets are representations of something like slit-type glasses, breath -filters, antennae, hearing aids and even night-sight devices. 8 - INDIA: The Mahabharata describes "two storey sky chariots with many windows, ejecting red flame, that race up into the sky until they look like comets . . . to the regions of both the sun and the stars."4 9 - GUATEMALA: Another ancient description mentions "a circular chariot of gold, measuring 12,000 cubits in circumference and able to reach the stars"5 10 - INDIA: Other references speak of: * Pushan sailing in golden ships across the ocean of the sky * Garuda (a celestial bird) carrying Lord Vishnu in cosmic journeys * Aerial flights "through the region of the sky firmament which is above the region of the winds"6 * The Ancients of Space Dimensions.7 11- NEW ZEALAND: Maori legends tell of flying machines and journeys to the moon 12 - CHINA, 3rd century B.C.: Chuang Tzu, in a work entitled Travel to the Infinite, relates a trip he made into space to 32,500 miles from the earth. 13 - TIBET and MONGOLIA: Ancient Buddhist books speak of "iron serpents which devour space with fire and smoke, reaching as far as the distant stars." 14 - TIBET: The three levels of a pyramid in the Hsing Nu capital commemorated three historical periods in the remote past: the pre-space travel era, the time when men were able to visit one of the heavenly bodies, and then afterward when they came back to earth and lost the power of space travel. It was here that there reposed on the altar a "stone brought from the moon". 15 - BABYLON: The Epic of Etana (4,700 years old) supplies us with very accurate descriptions of the earth’s surface from progressive altitudes—descriptions which were not verified in our own era until the high-altitude aerial flights of the 1950s and the first space shots of the 1960s. The description of this ancient space flight depicts exactly what happens when man leaves the earth (the concept of the round earth which becomes small, due to perspective as distance increases, and changes into particular colors) .8 16 - BOOK OF ENOCH: The ancient Book of Enoch says that in space "it was hot as fire and cold as ice" (where objects get hot on the side illuminated by the sun and icy cold on the shaded side) and "a dark abyss."9 17 - YUNNAN PROVINCE CHINA Engravings of cylindrical rocketlike machines, which are shown climbing skyward, were discovered on a pyramid which suddenly emerged from the floor of Lake Kun-Ming during an earthquake. 18 - GREECE: Lucian pictured the moon as a body like the earth which could be reached in 8 days and wrote a "fiction" (?) of a moon trip. 19 - CHINA: "Desolate, cold and glassy": In the year 2309 B.c. the engineer of Emperor Yao decided to go to the moon. The "celestial bird" provided him with information on his trip. He explored space by "mounting the current of luminous air" (the exhaust of a fiery rocket?). Hou Yih flew into space where "he did not perceive the rotary movement of the sun."10 (This statement is of paramount importance in corroborating the story because it is only in space that man cannot see the sun rise or set.) On the moon he saw the ‘frozen-looking horizon" and erected a building, "the Palace of Cold". His wife Chang Ngo likewise flew to the moon, which she found a "luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very cold; the light of the moon has its birth in the sun," she declared. (Chang Ngo’s moon exploration report was correct. Apollo II astronauts found the moon desolate with a glasslike soil— and parts of it even paved with pieces of glass. Most of the moon, at any given time, is in the throes of extreme cold. It plunges to minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit at midnight.) The ancient Greek scientist Empedocles had also declared that the moon was made of glass. Such precise knowledge implies on-site inspection of the moon in the remote past. 20 - CHINA: A story from this same period states that an enormous ship appeared on the sea at night with brilliant lights which were extinguished during the day. It could also sail to the moon and the stars, hence its name, "a ship hanging among the stars" or "the boat to the moon". This giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas was seen for 12 years.11 21- CHINA: "The Shi Ching" book says that when the Emperor saw crime and vice rising in the world, "he commanded Chong and Li to cut off communication between the earth and the sky—and since then there has been no more going up or down."12 Is this not a clear indication of the cessation of space travel in the past? 22 - TIBET: Sanskrit documents discovered by the Chinese at Lhasa are claimed to contain directions for building interplanetary spaceships. Flight to the moon is mentioned (though it is not stated whether this was undertaken or just planned). The Chinese have stated that certain of the data were being studied for inclusion in their space program. 23 - Relics on the moon? Reports have been made concerning strange messages on the surface of the moon. * An object shaped like a sword near the crater Birt * Strange cross formations in the crater Eratosthenes and at Fra Mauro * Angular lines in the crater Gassendi and seven spots in the shape of the Greek capital Gamma on the floor of the crater Littrow * Two giant sets of letters under Mare Serenitalis, to the left of Mare Tranquilitatis, which read: "PYAX" and "JAW"—black letters, easily discernible * Strange tracks running right up the wall of a crater. If such geometric constructions were found on earth, speculation would rage as to the men who left them. Not every discovery has been announced by NASA—and exploration has scarcely begun. Already NASA has run out of budget for further moon visits. It is by no means impossible that future astronauts will discover objects or installations showing that other human beings came to the moon in the distant past. 24 - It was July 20, 1969, the occasion of the first moon landing. During the last reconnaissance flight around the moon, preceding the landing, one of the astronauts made an unexpected announcement: he had just seen the contours of what seemed to be some sort of seven-story structure. What was it that he saw? Might it have been the "Palace of Cold"? Why did they subsequently delete a full 11 minutes - including this - from rebroadcasts? (But it was too late. We had already heard it.) If there is a single, ancient, long-abandoned edifice on the moon, if there is a single object indicating earlier intelligence, if there is still one recognizable rock drawing to be found, then just think what such a find would do to our conventional history. But wait! News has continued to filter through—not only from the moon, but from 40 million miles away on the small planet Mars. 25 - A Soviet scientist who defected to the West claims that photographs taken by an orbiting satellite clearly show the ruined temples of a civilization—on the planet Mars! The 58-year-old scientist was a high-echelon member of an elite team that has worked together since 1961 when Vostok I carried Yuri A. Gagarin as the first man in space. But Russia’s growing emphasis on the development of a nuclearized "Star Wars" satellite system in space prompted him to flee Russia. He now lives under an assumed identity in Switzerland. He reports that several years ago, a Soviet satellite was launched for Mars. It reached that destination in 1982 and has been orbiting the Red Planet ever since. Its sole purpose was to beam photographs and other data back to a manned satellite orbiting Earth. The task was accomplished with incredible success. The photographs are computer-enhanced and in full color. The detail they show is far beyond anything produced in America. And there is no mistaking what they reveal. The city scanned by the satellite’s camera is three times the size of Moscow and it is ringed by wide boulevards, one inside the other and linked together by smaller avenues, like the spokes of a cartwheel. The temples must have been huge. Most are in ruins, as though crumbled by a tremendous Marsquake. But some still support slate-grey domes that measure two to four miles in diameter. The Soviet Union will never admit to this incredible discovery because it would reveal too much of their technological progress. End of the story? No, not quite. On February 4, 1985, the Melbourne, Australia, Age reported the belief of thirty U.S. scientists that two photographs sent back from Mars in 1976 by the Viking spacecraft indicate the existence of an ancient civilization. Richard Hoagland, science writer and member of the group of scientists known as the Mars Investigation Group, said the photos show what appear to be four huge pyramids lined up symmetrically with a face. Dr. C. West Churchman, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, said there are too many details pointing to the possibility of an extinct habitation on Mars. What then, I ask, is the real truth about our past? Have we been to Mars before? End Notes: 1 Anthony Roberts, Sowers of Thunder. London: Rider and Company, 1978, p. vii. 2 A passage in the Mahabharata. Tr. By E.R. Rice. New York: Oxford, 1934. Quoted by James Churchward in The Children of Mu. New York: Ives washburn, 1956, pp. 188-189. 3 The Surya Siddhanta. See Andrew Tomas, We Are Not the First. London: Sphere, 1971, p. 149. 4 A passage in the Mahabharata. Tr. By E.R. Rice. New York: Oxford, 1934. 5 Maya folklore. 6 The ancient Samsaptakabadha. 7 The Puranas. 8 A seal cylinder depicting Etana flying on an eagle's back between the sun and the moon is in the Berlin Museum. 9 Tomas, We Are Not the First, p. 146. 10 Ibid., p. 47. 11 The Collection of Old Tales, a Chinese work compiled in the fourth century, from ancient sources. 12 Tomas, We Are Not the First, pp. 148-149. *************** From Jonathan Gray’s Dead Men’s Secrets, chapter 27 Surprising discoveries in lost cities of the dead. Technology that vanished. International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has travelled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the bottom of the sea, and to remote mountain and desert regions of the world. He lectures internationally. Jonathan Gray Pacific Coast Hwy Thames NZ Phone +64 7 868 2441 |
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